Apple Gives Developers Early Access to App Analytics Service It’s nearing conference season for the biggest players in the mobile game,…2 May 2015No comments2 minute read
LG Starting to Gain in Battle for Android Market Share According to the latest statistics released by Chitika, the LG user base…17 October 20144 comments2 minute read
Poll Results – What e-Reader is the Most Desirable for the Holidays? The march to the holiday season is upon us and e-reader companies…Michael Kozlowski29 September 20144 comments2 minute read
Women Spending More Time and Money on Mobile Games According to a new study by Flurry, industry leaders when it comes…8 August 2014No comments1 minute read
Android Boasts 1B Active Users in the Past 30 Days We have come to expect a certain amount of boasting at these…25 June 2014One comment1 minute read