Opponents of the more academically-structured functions of e-readers have long sited the awkward accessibility of search features as one of the barriers to widespread adoption of electronic texts in educational settings. The belief that e-readers aren’t the most user-friendly interface for any digital content which requires rapid movement throughout the text have been … [Read more...] about Inkling Makes E-Textbooks a Reality
tablet pc
Dell Tablet with a Slide-out Keyboard That Never Was
Here is a 7 inch tablet featuring a unique slide-out keyboard design, probably the first of its kind in the 7 inch genre of tablet PCs. The keyboard showed innovation with a split-key design and an empty space at the center displaying the word Dell. The keypad is split at the center so as to facilitate thumb typing with both hands, something that is more like smartphone designs … [Read more...] about Dell Tablet with a Slide-out Keyboard That Never Was
MeeGo Shows Best Battery Performance with Oak Trail Followed by Android and Windows 7
For those who always complain of Intel Oak Trail processor's power sapping qualities, here are some hard facts that might have you thinking twice before ruling out Oak Trail again. Case in point - the Maestro S tablet from Evolve III that can run Windows, Android, and Maemo Linux. The tablet has been found to show increasing battery performance with Windows, Android, and Maemo … [Read more...] about MeeGo Shows Best Battery Performance with Oak Trail Followed by Android and Windows 7
Ricoh’s eQuill Tablet Is All Business
As more and more consumers turn to e-readers and tablets for their digital media, Ricoh announced this week that it has updated its contribution to the eWriter solution, the eQuill. The device functions as a business-class tablet, almost an electronic clipboard of sorts, packed with features that seek to eliminate the need for paper, which is an interesting development given … [Read more...] about Ricoh’s eQuill Tablet Is All Business
DC Comics Brings Its Original Heroes to Digital Media
GoodEReader.com posted an article in April 2011 that explained the frustration that graphic novelists and their audiences feel with digital self-publishing, specifically a lack of e-titles compared to the fiction market and difficulty in trying to self-publish comics and graphic novels to tablets and e-readers. However, a remedy may be just around the corner. The comic book … [Read more...] about DC Comics Brings Its Original Heroes to Digital Media
Unlikely Consumers Stealing E-books
The world of illegal downloading has a new enemy: middle-aged women. According to the Digital Entertainment Survey, an annual assessment of consumer behavior spearheaded by the Wiggin law firm (UK), as many as one in eight women over the age of 35 admitted to stealing pirated copies of e-books, downloading them to e-readers across all platforms. The fact that this number is … [Read more...] about Unlikely Consumers Stealing E-books
Barnes & Noble and Amazon Have Something up Their E-Reader Sleeves
This week, news appeared that Barnes & Noble’s Buzz Score—the word-of-mouth measurement of consumers’ reactions to advertising, a way to discern what the general public is hearing about a specific brand name, as measured by YouGov Brand Index—is quickly closing the gap between its name and Amazon’s with the adult 18 and over market. This spike in its score, rising from 16.4 … [Read more...] about Barnes & Noble and Amazon Have Something up Their E-Reader Sleeves
Kineo Tablet for Schoolchildren Starts to Ship
The Kineo Android tablets has now finally started to ship. Targeted primarily at the young mind, the tablet is now on way to some select states in the US, such as Texas, California, and Tennessee among a few others. Also, with school age kids as the primary clientele, it shouldn't come as a surprise that the tablet comes with some built-in restrictions and is a lot different … [Read more...] about Kineo Tablet for Schoolchildren Starts to Ship
RIM Recalls More Than 900 Faulty BlackBerry PlayBooks
The BlackBerry PlayBook is out for a couple of weeks now and has already won accolades for its solid hardware. However, the latter bit does not seem to apply for a particular batch of PlayBooks, numbering at almost a 1000 units. A total of 935 PlayBooks have been found to have been delivered to the consumers with some shortcomings. All the defective units have been delivered at … [Read more...] about RIM Recalls More Than 900 Faulty BlackBerry PlayBooks
How Tablet PC’s impact our usage of other devices
Tablet Computers in the last two years have really matured and have proven to be a viable consumer item. You only need to look at the success of the iPad and the other brood the market has spawned. Companies like Samsung, Motorola, Asus, RIM and others have recently released tablets and people are quickly using their old devices less, and tablets more. Nielson recently filed … [Read more...] about How Tablet PC’s impact our usage of other devices