The Lenovo ThinkBook Plus Twist was one of the more interesting devices that was revealed at the CES event held earlier in the year. It's unique in that it comes with an OLED display on one side and a color E Ink display on the other side of it. Now, this isn't the first time that Lenovo has come up with such a device as the ThinkBook Plus G2 also featured an e-paper display on … [Read more...] about How the ThinkBook Plus Twist scores ahead of its rivals
ThinkBook Plus Twist
Lenovo ThinkBook Plus Twist comes with OLED and color E Ink dispay
Lenovo has added a new twist to its ThinkBook Plus series so that it now comes with an OLED panel on one side and a color E Ink display on the other. That can be considered an evolution over the ThinkBook Plus G2 that it launched in 2021 though the latest iteration in the series comes with a twist in that the display sits on a central hinge and can be twisted around to … [Read more...] about Lenovo ThinkBook Plus Twist comes with OLED and color E Ink dispay