Kobo has announced that it has officially discontinued Walmart's partnership with the United States. If a customer has purchased a Kobo e-reader from Walmart and used their Walmart account to log in to a Kobo e-reader, this will no longer be possible on October 31st, 2024. Customers will receive an email from Kobo outlining how they choose a new sign-in system, such as Apple, … [Read more...] about Walmart Sign-in option being discontinued on Kobo e-readers
walmart ebooks
Walmart Onn 8 inch Android Tablet Review – A Respectable e-Reader
Walmart has never had their own tablet before, but this all changed with the advent of the 8 inch Onn Android tablet. This is a very affordable $64 dollar device that has Android 9.0 and full access to Google Play. Our review primarily focuses on the audiobook and e-reading experience with the Walmart ebooks app. Hardware and Software The 8 inch Walmart tablet has an … [Read more...] about Walmart Onn 8 inch Android Tablet Review – A Respectable e-Reader
Everything is quiet with the Kobo and Walmart partnership
This summer Walmart started to carry Kobo e-readers and gift cards that could be redeemed for digital books in around a thousand stores in the United States. The company primarily was marketing the Clara HD and never got around to even installing demo units. Meanwhile on the Walmart website, they sell the entire modern Kobo lineup, including the Forma, Kobo Aura and Clara HD. … [Read more...] about Everything is quiet with the Kobo and Walmart partnership
Walmart ebooks now available for Android and iOS and it’s abysmal
Walmart has just launched an ebooks app for Android and iOS. Walmart is hyping that this new app has a built in ebookstore to purchase content and a fully functional audiobook player. When you install it for the first time Walmart says they will provide you with a free $10 credit to be used towards anything you want. There are over 6 million ebooks and audiobooks to select … [Read more...] about Walmart ebooks now available for Android and iOS and it’s abysmal