Introducing the Good e-Reader Goodie Membership Program If you are an early adopter of e-readers, e-notes or smartphone, things…Michael Kozlowski7 July 20202 comments2 minute read
The Kindle has a new Page Flip Navigation System Amazon has just pushed out a new firmware update 5.13.1 for most…Michael Kozlowski6 July 202010 comments2 minute read
Amazon Kindle Active Content has been deleted Amazon has just deleted all of the Kindle Active Content apps and…Michael Kozlowski6 July 20206 comments1 minute read
Fujitsu Quaderno A5 vs Quaderno A4 Fujitsu has just got involved in the digital note taking space with…Michael Kozlowski4 July 20202 comments2 minute read
The Living Dead Audiobook by George Romero is out soon George Romero wrote a novel before he died in 2017 and it…Michael Kozlowski4 July 2020One comment2 minute read
Andy Serkis is voicing a new audiobook of the Hobbit Andy Serkis was the voice of Gollum in all of the Lord…Michael Kozlowski4 July 20202 comments1 minute read
James Patterson is developing exclusive audiobooks for Audible Audible has signed a huge deal with bestselling author James Patterson for…Michael Kozlowski3 July 20203 comments1 minute read
Kindle for PC vs Kindle Cloud Reader Amazon has two different programs for reading on a PC or a…Michael Kozlowski3 July 20202 comments3 minute read
Review of the Supernote Ceramic Stylus Nib Supernote has designed a new Ceramic Nib for their stock and Heart…Michael Kozlowski2 July 2020One comment1 minute read
Kobo Desktop for PC Review Kobo Desktop is a software suite that lets you read ebooks on…Michael Kozlowski2 July 2020No comments2 minute read
Brein is leading the charge against ebook piracy BREIN is a non-profit, anti-piracy organization that is based on the Netherlands.…Michael Kozlowski1 July 20209 comments3 minute read
Patrick Stewart is writing a new memoir Patrick Stewart is going to be writing a new memoir that will…Michael Kozlowski1 July 2020No comments1 minute read