Amazon Circumvents French Ban Free Shipping for Books

Amazon has found itself in hot water in France, as government authorities…

Author Rejects Award Due to Amazon Backing

The ultimate in low class and poor breeding has occurred in the…

London Unveils New Public Art Project Aimed at Book Lovers

The streets of London are being transformed due to a new public…

Nook Press Blog Offers Support to Indie Authors

There’s a lot of talk about Amazon and what it has done…

Big Five Back in Court over eBook Pricing

When the dust finally settled from the Department of Justice lawsuit against…

Light Up Your Fourth with Amazon’s Best Books of July

As the Independence Day festivities carry over for many people due to…

Authors Rally Behind Amazon in Publisher Dispute

Despite the letter circulated by some well-known authors that urged Amazon to…

Debunking Amazon’s 70% Royalty for Indie Authors and Publishers

With news this week that Amazon has added whole new international markets…

US Publishers Earn More through Online Sales than Physical Stores

In a report from two entities that watch the publishing industry in…

Smashwords Launches Summer Author Promotion

Just in time for summer travel, Smashwords is offering up an author…

France Takes Action to Protect its Treasured Bookshops

As booksellers around the world continue to feel the pinch of trying…

Digital Publishers Support Community Causes in Profound Ways

Good e-Reader recently reported on the good work that digital publisher and…

James Patterson Makes New Donation to Bookshops

Bestselling author James Patterson has run a number of programs that supply…

Barnes and Noble to Take Nook Media Public

Barnes and Noble announced during a recent investors call that it was…