Piracy in Italy is not as bad as some countries in the world, but it is a growing concern. The Association of Italian Publishers recently conducted a study and they found that pirated ebooks account for €528 million in loses, which is around 23% of all digital sales. The report stated that “This data reveals the need for the imposition of strong law enforcement and the … [Read more...] about Italy is experiencing a piracy problem with ebooks
Ebook and Audiobook Piracy News
Textbook Publishers file a lawsuit against pirate websites
Cengage, Elsevier, Macmillan Learning, McGraw-Hill, and Pearson have just filed a lawsuit against a pirated website that is distributing all of their digital textbooks for free. This is not the first time they have banded together to deal a crippling blow to pirates. In 2018 they won a case against another site and won a judgement of $34 million. According to the lawsuit … [Read more...] about Textbook Publishers file a lawsuit against pirate websites
Academic Piracy – Where are we now?
In 2018, e-book piracy websites received over 800 million visits; a number expected to rise by at least a third in 2019. The scale of piracy in academic publishing is staggering, yet one would be excused for assuming it a mere annoyance to publishers. Inevitability haunts any discussion of piracy in the industry and pervades even the most pragmatic. With one in four students … [Read more...] about Academic Piracy – Where are we now?
Japanese Manga Publishers are targeting US Pirate Sites
Japanese manga publishers have always targeted piracy websites in Japan, but they are starting to branch out and file lawsuits in other countries. In July, Romi Hoshino, also known as Zakay Romi, was arrested in the Philippines in connection with his role as administrator of Manga Mura, the now-defunct website which was the highest-profile provider of pirated Japanese-language … [Read more...] about Japanese Manga Publishers are targeting US Pirate Sites
Book Piracy Hackers now use Catfishing to target unsuspecting readers
In looking through the most “persuasive words” lists in the English language, FREE comes up just about every time. It’s not surprising, as many people reacting to this word become very excited when they think that they are getting something they won’t have to pay for. That’s fine, as long as the giver is doing it legitimately, and the receiver knows what he or she is getting … [Read more...] about Book Piracy Hackers now use Catfishing to target unsuspecting readers
eBook Piracy is on the rise in 2019
Ebook piracy is increasing every single year. $300 million was lost in author income due to pirated book sales in the United States last year. This figure fluctuates year to year, in 2017 Nielsen consumer survey covering ebook piracy found $315 million in US book sales was lost annually due to piracy. Piracy is not strictly a US problem, the Egyptian Publishers Union found … [Read more...] about eBook Piracy is on the rise in 2019
Last year the ebook piracy industry cost American publishers $300 million
Ebook piracy is on the rise and last year in the United States it cost authors and publishers over $300 million in lost sales. Pirated ebooks used to only been downloaded from Torrent websites, but over time they have become more savvy, offering a more service based solution. There are apps that allow people to pay a monthly subscription to download all of the books they want, … [Read more...] about Last year the ebook piracy industry cost American publishers $300 million
Ukrainian government states piracy is threatening national prosperity
The Government of the Ukraine is launching a massive campaign called Operation Pirates. It has garnered support from media companies, broadcasters, and anti-piracy groups. This might be due to the United States Trade office from putting the Ukraine on their Notorious Markets list. The campaign is spearheaded by the Ukrainian cyberpolice under the watchful eye of division … [Read more...] about Ukrainian government states piracy is threatening national prosperity
Pirating ebooks is an offence against moral justice
There are millions of people who do not buy ebooks or other digital content and pirate it instead. This is offending the sensibilities of Sir Philip Pullman who is the president of the Society of Authors. He has signed a joint letter to Business Secretary Greg Clark alongside 32 other concerned writers – including Doctor Who screenwriter Malorie Blackman, historian Sir Antony … [Read more...] about Pirating ebooks is an offence against moral justice
E-Book Piracy is declining in Europe
A new study conducted by the Institute for Information Law and financed by Google has proclaimed that ebook piracy is on the decline in Europe. Between 2014 and 2017, the number of pirates decreased in all European countries except Germany. Online piracy is most prevalent in Indonesia, Thailand and Brazil, followed by Spain and Poland. This new study also found that most … [Read more...] about E-Book Piracy is declining in Europe