Good news! Kodansha has launched its K Manga app for browsers as well. The platform that allows US audiences to read their favourite manga can now be accessed beyond their app version. The company announced on Wednesday, that is, May 31. K Manga is an app launched by Kodansha, with 400 titles and 60 Simulpubs. Its app version was launched last month for both Android and iOS smartphones, with free access to the first few chapters of the popular titles. However, its recent announcement of a web browser version has undoubtedly made things flexible for manga readers.
Launch Party in June
Kodansha has set up a launch party for its new version. The launch party will be organized on June 22, along with popular creators like Hiro Mashima, Reiji Miyajima, and Hajime Isayama. While Hajime Isayama won’t be present at the party life, the Attack of Titan creator will be available through a pre-recorded interview. There will also be a live drawing session of Mashima.
Additionally, several video messages and signed illustrations will be distributed to the viewers. These illustrations will be signed by 16 manga creators dominating the field. While the services are limited to the United States, it’s likely to spread to other locations with time. The company will have precise requirements for the country to which they want to extend their services.
K Manga Against Piracy
K Manga uses a ticket and point system to ensure a good experience for the readers. The value is about USD 1 for 100 points. As for manga prices, a viewer must pay about 99 points to read a manga chapter. Earlier, Yuta Hiroka, the project leader for the K Manga app, said how K Manga would link manga artists and readers. “We will continue to strengthen our efforts to protect manga artists from piracy and other forms of copyright infringement, including traceability of translations,” he mentioned in the interview.
Navkiran Dhaliwal is a seasoned content writer with 10+ years of experience. When she's not writing, she can be found cooking up a storm or spending time with her dog, Rain.