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With schools around the US starting to gather materials and stock their costly print textbooks back in the closet until the fall, it begs the question as to why more schools haven’t adopted digital textbooks, especially in light of Bring Your Own Device initiatives and the popularity that movement has experienced. With students in even the lower elementary grades now authorized to carry and use their own mobile devices for school, textbooks should naturally have followed.

But that still hasn’t been the case, at least not in the widespread way that educators, parents, and stakeholders had hoped. Two years ago, industry watchers were already predicting a wholly digital learning landscape by this time, but the reality has been far slower to crawl in. Part of the issue stems from the still-astronomical cost, leading school systems to back away from the idea given that it isn’t a significant savings. More systems are still tied up in fears that they will not control the content of the digital editions, taking an approach of wariness.

A webinar from Data Conversion Laboratory this week will let stakeholders have a chance to examine the concerns and the benefits to a digital learning scape in hopes of implementing greater adoption in the coming school year. Addressing both the financial and educational implications, this event will offer a discussion opportunity to voice some of the lingering concerns over the issue.

Registration and information for the webinar, entitled “Monetizing and Marketing Digital Textbooks,” can be found here.

is a Senior Editor for Good e-Reader. She is also the CEO and founder of a hybrid publishing and consulting company.