GoodeReader first reported on an ebook publication start-up from Digital Book World called Vook, who was in beta launch at the time but recently entered their full launch. The platform is already making a name for itself as a complete location for ebook publication by signing some major companies to its site.

“Waterside Productions Inc. has always been an early adapter of technology opportunities for the more than three-hundred authors we represent, from the enabling of online courses to utilizing print-on-demand for our print titles,” says William Gladstone in the press release, Waterside’s founder and agent to bestselling authors like Eckhart Tolle, radio personality Thom Hartmann and known for development of the For Dummies series. “We have been exploring the most elegant, efficient and cost-effective ways for our clients to gain the best advantage from the digital rights to their books.”

“It is gratifying to see major industry leaders such as Waterfront Press, the latest subsidiary of highly respected Waterside Productions, choosing to partner with us,” stated Matthew Cavnar, VP of Business Development for Vook. “Our goal is to provide publishers, authors and literary agents a one stop solution for maximizing the creation, distribution and sales of their enhanced and text eBooks. We are confident that we have created a cost effective solution that can evolve as digital technologies evolve to ensure the best reader experience and ubiquitous distribution to all eBook reading devices.”

There are some key differences in the standard publishing model that Waterside Press has been able to bring about by opting to work with Vook over other companies. The first is the ability to simultaneously release the ebook edition and the enhanced ebook, allowing readers to select which format will best suit their needs and their devices. The other difference was the opportunity for authors to earn a 75% royalty on their digital versions through this collaboration, a fairly high royalty in this current market.

“As digital eBooks and enhanced eBooks become the primary and not the secondary source of income for authors, we believe that authors and not publishers should receive the majority of revenues.”

is a Senior Editor for Good e-Reader. She is also the CEO and founder of a hybrid publishing and consulting company.