This October, a new 9.7 inch tablet with 3G capability is going to hit the market in India. Pantel Technologies, the makers of the new tablet, have yet to reveal the pricing structure, but it is expected to be financially competitive. The company already has a tie-up with state telecom operator BSNL for various 3G data plans. "We are working on a host of products. We are … [Read more...] about Pantel Tech to Launch 3G Tablet in India
3G tablet
AT&T Predicts the End of Wi-Fi Only Tablet
Hold on tight to your Wi-Fi only tablet devices for they're likely to be relegated to the annals of history. Or so believes AT&T executive Glenn Lurie, who is of the opinion that the usual practice of offering a Wi-Fi only and Wi-Fi + 3G enabled tablet models to consumers might soon be a thing of past. With prices of cellular radios coming down in recent times (it has gone … [Read more...] about AT&T Predicts the End of Wi-Fi Only Tablet
Mercury mTab Neo Launched in India
The budget tablet segment in India just got boosted with the introduction of the Mercury mTab Neo from Kobian. The mTab Neo will join its sibling, the Mercury mTab2, which went on sale in India during the last quarter of 2011. The new mTab Neo boasts of 3G capability, which definitely is an improvement over the mTab2, which was only Wi-Fi capable. Among the other features … [Read more...] about Mercury mTab Neo Launched in India
Reliance 3G Tab Now on Sale at Letsbuy
The Reliance 3G Tab is now closer to you than ever before. The tablet that until now was only available from Reliance outlets in select Indian cities is now being offered by the online retailer Letsbuy for Rs. 12,999. Delivery time mentioned at the site is about a week at the most, though delivery is free anywhere in India. After the purchase, Reliance will get in touch as … [Read more...] about Reliance 3G Tab Now on Sale at Letsbuy