With Apple setting the ball rolling on making privacy almost uncompromisable for iOS users with its App Tracking Transparency feature, Google too has announced something similar that would make Android users off bound of advertisers. The feature, though similar in scope to that of Apple's App Tracking Transparency differs a bit when it comes to the actual … [Read more...] about Android users will be able to turn off app tracking by end-2021
App Tracking Transparency
Over 96% of users have disabled app tracking on iOS 14.5
The App Tracking Transparency which happens to be one of the biggest highlights of the iOS 14.5 version is just what iPhone users might have been waiting for. Over 96 percent of users who have opted to disable app the app tracking feature. The above data has been compiled by the analytics firm Flurry that said it is only about 4 percent of iPhone users seem to have no issues … [Read more...] about Over 96% of users have disabled app tracking on iOS 14.5
Google is planning new privacy features
With Apple making it known its new App Tracking Transparency feature is going to be one of the biggest highlights of its upcoming version 14.5 update for both iOS and iPadOS, now Google has stated they too are contemplating something similar for the Android platform. However, it is not exactly clear right away to what extent Google intends to go before cutting off advertiser's … [Read more...] about Google is planning new privacy features
Upcoming iOS 14.5 update calls for stricter privacy push
Apple intends to make it harder for app developers to track user activity with the upcoming iOS 14.5 update. This is being enforced via a new rule pertaining to App Tracking Transparency that makes it mandatory for the developers to seek explicit user consent before tracking their activity. The 5.1.2(i) rule that relates to App Tracking Transparency will be one of the … [Read more...] about Upcoming iOS 14.5 update calls for stricter privacy push