Author Earnings is at it again, this time sharing crucial information on the state of romance publishing at the recent Romance Writers of America conference. Romance publishing--even before the advent of self-publishing and digital publishing--has always had this stigma attached to it, as though the work of these talented authors amounts to nothing more than a source of funds … [Read more...] about How Romance Authors Are Really Faring
Author Earnings
Big 5 Publishers e-book revenue starts to rebound
Author Earnings has just released their May 2016 report and it is clearly evident that major publishers are no longer experiencing a decline in e-book revenue and it looks like sales have leveled off. This is good news for the publishing industry because it looks like they have finally selected a pricing strategy that works for debut authors and perennial bestsellers. The … [Read more...] about Big 5 Publishers e-book revenue starts to rebound
Here is the Full Author Earnings Report from DBW 2016
Author Earnings has been chronicling the rise of self-publishing on Amazon and is one of the definitive sources on how their sales directly affect the big 5 publishers. Data Guy has been quietly anonymous this entire time, he has been responsible for diving deep into big data and making sense of it for the entire publishing industry. He spoke publicly for the first time at … [Read more...] about Here is the Full Author Earnings Report from DBW 2016
February 2016 Author Earnings Report is Now Available
Author Earnings is an extensive report that looks at Amazon e-book sales and the digital publishing industry at large. The February 2016 report has just been released and they have revised some of the ways they compile their data. They have updated their methodology for correlating rankings to sales and also added print and audio data/analysis. The key takeaways from the … [Read more...] about February 2016 Author Earnings Report is Now Available
How Agency Pricing Has Affected the Bestseller Lists
Hugh Howey and Friends (that really should be a trademarked superhero team name, as you'll see in a moment) has launched the sixth quarterly Author Earnings report, a seemingly flawless look at how ebooks are actually selling on Amazon. The reports have always served to try to get a better picture of how self-published authors are actually faring in the bookselling landscape, … [Read more...] about How Agency Pricing Has Affected the Bestseller Lists
What Nielsen Can Tell Indie Authors
The kind people at Nielsen BookScan do a fairly decent job at uncovering consumer behaviors towards books, then compare that data year over year to highlight the trends in this ever-evolving market. But a lot of self-published authors--especially ones who limit their work to Amazon or who think they're not selling enough copies to even register as a blip on Nielsen's … [Read more...] about What Nielsen Can Tell Indie Authors
Author Earnings 2015: Indies Are Still Winning, the Industry Still Doesn’t Believe It
You have to hand it to Hugh Howey and the elusive Data Guy: they do a great but thankless service for which they receive heaps of professional scorn, but they don't let that stop them. Every time they release a new Author Earnings report filled with charts and graphs and actual information culled over countless hours at the computer, I remember the scene from the film Day After … [Read more...] about Author Earnings 2015: Indies Are Still Winning, the Industry Still Doesn’t Believe It
Looking Ahead to DBW’s Author Survey Results
DBW has been conducting in-depth author surveys over the past few years, releasing annual reports on the state of publishing from the viewpoints of these survey respondents. The results, which will be compiled, examined, and released at next week's Digital Book World event, attempt to give a clear picture of how authors are faring in both traditional and self-publishing, along … [Read more...] about Looking Ahead to DBW’s Author Survey Results
Studies Still Show Print Edging Out Digital for Reading Preference
A new survey of readers in New Zealand, as reported by, demonstrates that readers still prefer print over digital or audiobooks when it comes to self-selected texts. Despite the growing ebook market and an increase in digital readership in a few key age demographics, print wins out for most and for all the usual reasons. According to the article on the findings, … [Read more...] about Studies Still Show Print Edging Out Digital for Reading Preference
Uncovering the Inner Workings of the Author Earnings Report
Ludicrous accusations have come out from various corners of the publishing industry, some of which are rabidly anti-Amazon and anti-self-publishing, claiming that the information in the notorious Author Earnings reports is flawed at best, and intentionally misleading at worst. The reports, which claim to only be interested in helping all authors make sound decisions based on a … [Read more...] about Uncovering the Inner Workings of the Author Earnings Report