New information and knowledge have come to light thanks to the efforts of a core group of individuals; author Hugh Howey and his mathematical number cruncher Data Guy have released exhaustive information through the Author Earnings reports designed to help authors make informed decisions concerning their publishing. Rather than fight the Author Earnings efforts and … [Read more...] about Amazon Rolls Out Beta of KDP Pricing Support
Author Earnings
Traditional Publishing Dismisses Author Earnings Report
In what is perhaps the single most telling example of why the traditional publishing fails to address the needs of authors, The Guardian posted an interview with Phillip Jones, editor of the Bookseller, and Nicola Solomon, general secretary of the UK's Society of Authors. While the Bookseller is a publishing industry news source and the Society has recently spoken out about the … [Read more...] about Traditional Publishing Dismisses Author Earnings Report
New Author Earnings Report Compiles Mid-Year Numbers
Author Earnings, who has a two-fold mission that encompasses supporting authors of every publishing path, has released a new report, this time looking not only at the data so far up to July 2014, but also mapping out the trends that the data can help identify. The comprehensive and exhaustingly complete report provides graphs on a variety of factors in publishing, all aimed … [Read more...] about New Author Earnings Report Compiles Mid-Year Numbers
UK Society of Authors: Traditional Publishing No Longer in Authors’ Best Interests
Thanks largely to Hugh Howey's recent post about the need for organizations that truly work on behalf of authors rather than their own self-interests, serious discussion has opened up about the need for a better structure that works to speak up for writers and their work. Organizations like the Author's Guild have recently been questioned as their interests lie in furthering … [Read more...] about UK Society of Authors: Traditional Publishing No Longer in Authors’ Best Interests
Smashwords Adds Daily Sales Reports for Authors
With so much emphasis and recent news on authors and what they truly earn, the industry as a whole is taking a good look at how this information is shared with the content creators. Traditional publishers have long issued quarterly sales reports to their authors, often distributed three months after the fact, and that's one of the many reasons authors cite for trying to go it … [Read more...] about Smashwords Adds Daily Sales Reports for Authors
Next Big Book Innovates with Big Data
One of the ways that the seemingly stodgy, old-fashioned publishing industry is learning to innovate is with the concept of "big data." Projects like Hugh Howey's Author Earnings are already maximizing on the available information to help authors make sound decisions concerning publishing route, ebook pricing, and more, but traditional publishers are also slowly coming along in … [Read more...] about Next Big Book Innovates with Big Data
HM Ward on the Aftermath of Her Book Deal Decision
With so much debate currently raging about both book pricing and book deals--especially where indie authors are concerned--it's good to hear some concrete news that worked in an author's favor. While pioneers like Hugh Howey continue to release minutely specific and incredibly detailed reports on book sales for both self- and traditionally published authors, other authors are … [Read more...] about HM Ward on the Aftermath of Her Book Deal Decision
New Author Earnings Report Examines Revenue of Startup Authors
Self-published author and indie author advocate Hugh Howey turned the publishing industry on its head, not with his beat-the-odds success story that made him a household name, but for his willingness to throw open the vault of secrecy surrounding what authors of every ilk actually earn. Considered a taboo subject to the point that discussing exact book sales actually violates … [Read more...] about New Author Earnings Report Examines Revenue of Startup Authors
New Look at How Titles Sell Across Genres
The recent furor caused by Hugh Howey and the team at Author Earnings helped publishers and authors rethink the concept of "secret data," but unfortunately, it's been slow to have a lasting impact on how publishers and retailers guard their sales information. But one author, Edward W. Robertson, published his own look at how titles were selling in different genres, not so much … [Read more...] about New Look at How Titles Sell Across Genres
New AuthorEarnings Report Highlights B&N Sales
Massive change is being sparked in the publishing industry, thanks to the enterprising--and exhausting--work of authors who've taken it upon themselves to share sales information with the intention of helping authors make informed decisions where publishing opportunities are involved. Authors like HM Ward and Hugh Howey have been as transparent as they can be about their own … [Read more...] about New AuthorEarnings Report Highlights B&N Sales