Sharp introduces new 25.3-inch and 13.3-inch color E-Ink ePosters, updateable via smartphone Sharp has announced the launch of a new range of color E…Sovan Mandal10 August 2023No comments1 minute read
Pimoroni introduces Inky Frame with seven-color 4-inch E Ink display for $71 The good guys at Pimoroni have come up with a new four-inch…Sovan Mandal3 March 20232 comments1 minute read
E Ink displays and how it impacts our lives The rapid evolution of new smart technologies has had a profound effect…Sovan Mandal9 November 20212 comments2 minute read
PVI Color E-Ink Display to make year end debut Prime View International, makers of Electrophoretic display or EPD seems to be…Sovan Mandal13 June 2010One comment2 minute read