Just as the debate once raged about the state of print-versus-digital book publishing, magazines and newspapers are feeling the pinch of that familiar argument. While supporters on both sides of the book format aisle proclaimed that their preferred format was here to stay and the other was on its way out, the same points could be made of digital news. Jeffrey Trachtenberg of … [Read more...] about Are Paper Magazines Still Important?
digital library
ALA to Craft a Monumental Survey on the State of Digital in Libraries
Libraries in all over the world are embracing digital content as major publishers have firmly committed themselves making audiobooks and e-Books available. The American Library Association knows that 95% of all US libraries have an e-book collection. That’s up from 89% in both 2013 and 2012, when researchers thought that adoption had plateaued for good. In provide key … [Read more...] about ALA to Craft a Monumental Survey on the State of Digital in Libraries
School Libraries Vital to Literacy Rates Among Students
Libraries present an interesting conundrum to policy makers and patrons alike. A Pew Internet study, for example, showed just how mixed-up the sentiments surrounding libraries can be, with reports from one survey stating that "95% of Americans agree that the materials and resources available at public libraries play an important role in giving everyone a chance to succeed [and] … [Read more...] about School Libraries Vital to Literacy Rates Among Students
Competition in the Digital Library Content Market
Just as publishers and book retailers compete for reading consumers' time and funds, so too do digital content providers compete for the all-important library market. Companies like OverDrive and 3M Library System work to offer the largest catalogs of content, the most seamless patron experiences, and the most support in terms of technology and taking some of the circulation … [Read more...] about Competition in the Digital Library Content Market
Digital Library to Open in Omaha Next Fall
On the site of a closed down Boarders bookstore a grand vision of the future is occurring. The first ever digital library in Omaha Nebraska will open their doors next fall. It will not only loan out eBooks, digital newspapers and magazines but also have 3D printers and workstations for artists and video game developers. The former Boarders bookstore and acompanied parking … [Read more...] about Digital Library to Open in Omaha Next Fall
3M to Launch Next Gen Personalized Lending App at ALA
As the American Library Association's annual conference kicks off later this week in Las Vegas, companies that support public and academic libraries will showcase their technology and roll out new offerings to the attendees. One of those companies, 3M Library Systems, will be unveiling a next generation app that provides a more personalized lending experience of digital … [Read more...] about 3M to Launch Next Gen Personalized Lending App at ALA
OverDrive to Showcase EPUB3, HTML5 Books at BEA
The International Digital Publishing Forum works at the forefront of digital publishing technology; the stand-alone Digital Book event, hosted in conjunction with BookExpo America, has now grown into a two-day event with a full slate of keynotes and breakout sessions on where technology is headed in the publishing industry. When the IDPF was formed, OverDrive was there to … [Read more...] about OverDrive to Showcase EPUB3, HTML5 Books at BEA
OverDrive eReading Rooms Engage Libraries’ Youngest Patrons
As libraries look for news ways to stay relevant and meet their patrons' needs, increasing numbers of institutions are implementing digital lending. eBook lending, along with movie, music, and audiobook streaming, is helping these entities keep their doors open by offering the content their patrons need in the platforms they want to consumer it. But one area where digital … [Read more...] about OverDrive eReading Rooms Engage Libraries’ Youngest Patrons
Corporation Primary School in Singapore to Set Up Own Digital Library
The Corporation Primary School in Jurong West, Singapore, is in the process of setting up a digital library of its own. The new library will be a first of its kind in a school in Singapore and will initially host about 5,000 fiction and non-fiction ebook titles. The e-library is expected to launch by the end of this month and will be open first to the lower primary students … [Read more...] about Corporation Primary School in Singapore to Set Up Own Digital Library
Libraries Fight Back Against Planned Closings
With libraries around the world coming under almost as much threat of demise as brick-and-mortar bookstores, one UK library system is taking legal action to fight back against proposed budget cuts in their county that will mean the planned closing of a number of local public libraries. According to an article in The Bookseller, the library system in Lincolnshire has mounted … [Read more...] about Libraries Fight Back Against Planned Closings