E-paper has traditionally been relegated towards e-readers, but in the last year it has expanded into fashion. A new pair of sneakers are being developed by David Coelho named ShiftWear. They have color an e-paper display on the sides that let you control what images or animations you want to appear via a mobile app. They are also machine washable, so you can make sure your new … [Read more...] about New E-Paper Shoes lets you be the designer
What Would Make you Upgrade your e-reader?
e-Reader technology does not improve at the exponential rate as tablets and smartphones do. New e-paper comes out every two or three years and there seldom is a compelling enough reason to spend a hundred dollars to buy a new device. Once in awhile new e-readers like the Kindle Voyage and Kobo H2O comes out and pack in new features not seen before. So the question is, what … [Read more...] about What Would Make you Upgrade your e-reader?
Sloppy BBC Article Draws the Ire of the e-Reader World
The BBC recently penned their prospective on a new report by the Harvard Medical School that linked the use of tablets at night to an overall sleep onset delay of around ten minutes, and 11 minutes less REM sleep. The report basically equated e-readers, such as the Kindle as using the same screen technology as the iPad. Mainstream media such as the BBC is spreading a terrible … [Read more...] about Sloppy BBC Article Draws the Ire of the e-Reader World
E Ink Q3 2014 Financials Are a Breath of Fresh Air
When it comes to e-reader technology, no company has played a more pivotal role than e Ink. The Taiwanese e-paper giant has been responsible for all of the screen technology found on the Kindle, Kobo and Nooks of the world. E Ink has had a robust Q3 2014, with revenue soaring to $132.95 million US. Orders for the company's EPD technology remained steady during the quarter. E … [Read more...] about E Ink Q3 2014 Financials Are a Breath of Fresh Air
LG Quietly Becoming a Flexible e-Paper Juggernaut
LG is quietly refining their flexible e-paper technology and has actually seen some commercial success along the way. New innovations will pave the way for super large screen displays that will transcend into the television arena. In 2012 LG first entered the flexible e-paper arena and developed a screen that was crafted from a flexible plastic substrate, the display … [Read more...] about LG Quietly Becoming a Flexible e-Paper Juggernaut
Is there a Future in Color e-Paper?
Color e-paper has been around a number of years with Pixel QI, E Ink, Liquavista and Mirasol all making plays for the consumer market. Needless to say there was a ton of hype about color e-readers, but aside from a few products they have been relegated to an extremely niche segment. Is there a future in color e-paper? Today Michael Kozlowski and Peter Carotenuto of Good … [Read more...] about Is there a Future in Color e-Paper?
EnerGenie ePP2 eReader/ePaper Printer Set For IFA 2013 Launch
Jostling for space among the plethora of new gadgets that’s waiting to be unveiled at the upcoming IFA 2013 event will be a humble ereader device which, according to reports from its developer,addresses readers' responsibility to Mother Nature. The ereader in question, the EnerGenie PP2 from Danish company Gembird, is very similar to any e-ink-based ebook reading device out … [Read more...] about EnerGenie ePP2 eReader/ePaper Printer Set For IFA 2013 Launch
e Ink suffers $33 Million Dollar Loss Q2 2013
e Ink Holdings has had a sizable setback with their reported $33.63 million dollar loss last quarter. The company is seeing decreased demand for their e-Reading panels, despite the fact that they are the cornerstone of Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo's e-reading technology. e Ink has seen a constant decline in their last two quarters, due to most of their customer base … [Read more...] about e Ink suffers $33 Million Dollar Loss Q2 2013
New Prototype Display for e-Readers and Tablets Allows Video Playback, Full Color
We have come across quite a few e-reader prototypes while working on this website, each providing a future glimpse of what the devices could be like several years down the line. The latest mock-up comes from the Novel Devices Laboratory at the University of Cincinnati. Engineer Jason Heikenfeld, who heads the lab, is pinning high hopes on the prototype. He claims it has fast … [Read more...] about New Prototype Display for e-Readers and Tablets Allows Video Playback, Full Color
Emerging e-Paper and Display Screen Technologies
The Microsoft Surface tablet has been getting a ton of attention lately. Few actually know that the technology used in their new device was gleaned from the Samsung Pixel Sense. New screen and e-paper technologies are poised to change the way we read and interact with our devices. Today we are going to look at some of the more interesting ones due to hit the market in the near … [Read more...] about Emerging e-Paper and Display Screen Technologies