Verdict: 5 STars Finally. FINALLY. A romance title for the rest of us, one with the right blend of emotion and raw physicality but whose female main character isn't a spineless self-doubter who falls down a lot. Move over, 50 Shades of Grey, there's a sexy new power couple for readers to swoon over. Chloe Mills is only months away from finishing her MBA from a prestigious … [Read more...] about eBook Review: Beautiful Bastard by Christina Lauren
Canadian Author Warns Against
As ebook retailers expand their global reach into untapped markets, the potential for providing the solutions afforded by digital publishing seem obvious. More readers than ever can access digital content with the same ease of use and speed that US customers originally enjoyed. Thanks to the work from many of the retailers, global customers can even enjoy content in their own … [Read more...] about Canadian Author Warns Against
Amazon Posts Bestseller List for 2012
With only a couple of weeks to finish out the current year, Amazon has released its list of bestselling titles from 2012, ranging in different categories. Some titles, like the third book in the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy, held the list's top spots in different capacities, as they were stand-alone bestsellers and boxed set bestsellers. Sequels fared very well this year, at … [Read more...] about Amazon Posts Bestseller List for 2012
eBook Review: The Gravedigger’s Brawl by Abigail Roux
Verdict: 5 Stars It's not a secret that digital publishing and ebooks have opened up a world of literature to astute readers who otherwise would have had no opportunity to browse and purchase key titles in their libraries. Most notably, perhaps, has been the world of erotica literature that has been made available to a broader consumer audience thanks to the anonymity and … [Read more...] about eBook Review: The Gravedigger’s Brawl by Abigail Roux
How Fifty Shades Continues to Boost eBook Sales
Despite the assurances that the success of E.L. James’ once-self-published erotica trilogy has translated into a wider acceptance of the genre to the reading public, sources still credit the series with the current increases in ebook sales. As erotica readers—who some sources say may be as high as eighty percent female—continue to enjoy the anonymity that digital publishing has … [Read more...] about How Fifty Shades Continues to Boost eBook Sales
Ellora’s Cave and the Allure of Digital Publishing in Romance, Erotica
At what was possibly the most interesting booth at the BookExpo exhibit hall, ebook-first erotica imprint Ellora’s Cave kept attendees entertained with “The Cavemen,” a group of slightly underdressed gentlemen whose images have graced the cover art of some of Ellora’s most popular titles. Chief Operating Officer Susan Edwards spoke with GoodEReader about how digital publishing … [Read more...] about Ellora’s Cave and the Allure of Digital Publishing in Romance, Erotica
HarperCollins Launches Erotica Digital Imprint
While a number of forward thinking publishing houses have developed ebook-only imprints, especially in high volume genres like romance, HarperCollins has announced its erotica imprint within its Avon romance imprint. The new division, Mischief, will launch with thirteen original ebooks and plans to release four ebooks per month, a slight number given the popularity of e-reading … [Read more...] about HarperCollins Launches Erotica Digital Imprint
Authors Strike Back Against PayPal’s Censorship of Smashwords
Smashwords, the popular online ebook distribution platform that recently celebrated the uploading of the 100,000th title to its catalog of digital editions, found itself embroiled in some controversy over a request from PayPal that it remove nearly 2,000 titles that the online payment company considered inappropriate or offensive. Failure to do so would result in the … [Read more...] about Authors Strike Back Against PayPal’s Censorship of Smashwords
E-Readers Stimulating the Sales of Erotica eBooks
Sales are rising of erotic ebooks due to the constant proliferation of e-readers. At any given time there are numerous erotica books in the best seller list on Kobo, Barnes and Noble and Amazon. British Columbia owned eXtasy Books recently told the CBC that “Customers are starting to discover them and finding that they can read certain books that they do not want other … [Read more...] about E-Readers Stimulating the Sales of Erotica eBooks
What’s in a Pen Name?
Authors have used pseudonyms, or pen names, for almost as long as books have been printed, and they've chosen to do so for a variety of reasons. Whether it's a need for privacy, a distancing of one's writer life from a life of doing something else, or even just a need to become a different persona when it's time to write, there are really great reasons to use a pen name. A … [Read more...] about What’s in a Pen Name?