Kobo has been the first among the big three to launch an e-note device. Prior to that, we had e-note devices from a clutch of Chinese companies along with a few others such as Remarkable. Amazon surprised us all by coming up with its own take on an e-note device in the form of the Kindle Scribe. Meanwhile, on the other side of the globe, Huawei had something similar up its … [Read more...] about The Amazon Kindle Scribe vs Huawei MatePad Paper – which is the better e-note device
Huawei MatePad Paper
Huawei MatePad Paper sold more units than the Kindle
The Huawei MatePad Paper E Ink tablet has emerged as a bestseller in China, edging out rivals such as the Amazon Kindle in the process. As HuaweiCentral reported, the above has been revealed in a report published by the Chinese tech research firm, RUNTO that stated the Huawei E Ink tablet sold more than any other e-reader or e-note devices from March till the end of the third … [Read more...] about Huawei MatePad Paper sold more units than the Kindle
Huawei MatePad Paper getting new HarmonyOS update, E Ink display performance to get better
Huawei has come up with the second HarmonyOS update which applies to its MatePad Paper E Ink tablet device, HuaweiCentral reported. The company said the latest update will make the e-note device more stable though the takeaway from the update is the way it causes the E Ink display to redraw and refresh more comprehensively than ever before. This should add to the user … [Read more...] about Huawei MatePad Paper getting new HarmonyOS update, E Ink display performance to get better
Huawei MatePad Paper receives a big discount as part of JD Grand Sale Event
The Huawei MatePad Paper first broke onto the scene on March 24 this year and carried a price tag of 2999 yuan. Just over two months later, the e-note device has been provided a price cut to the tune of 350 yuan so that the e-paper tablet now costs a nice 2649 yuan. The discount is being provided by retailer Jing Dong as part of its 618 Grand Promotion. The discounted price is … [Read more...] about Huawei MatePad Paper receives a big discount as part of JD Grand Sale Event
Huawei MatePad Paper getting new features with latest Harmony OS update
Huawei MatePad Paper is getting the latest HarmonyOS update that introduces the floating navigation feature along with the usual bug fixes and security patches. That is not all as the update also allows for the editing of the home page card as well. Of these, the floating navigation feature includes a floating ball that hosts the controls for Return and Refresh … [Read more...] about Huawei MatePad Paper getting new features with latest Harmony OS update