Baker and Taylor is closing their wholesaling business this summer and this has put thousands of independent bookstores without a book distributor. In order to pick up the slack Penguin Random House, Hachette and the Independent Publishers Group have announced new programs to get their titles into bookstores in the United States. Penguin Random House has an Indie Express … [Read more...] about Penguin Random House and Hachette will distribute to Indie Bookstores
Big 5 Publishers e-book revenue starts to rebound
Author Earnings has just released their May 2016 report and it is clearly evident that major publishers are no longer experiencing a decline in e-book revenue and it looks like sales have leveled off. This is good news for the publishing industry because it looks like they have finally selected a pricing strategy that works for debut authors and perennial bestsellers. The … [Read more...] about Big 5 Publishers e-book revenue starts to rebound
Please Pay My Bills So I Can Write
Female authors are dominating the romance and erotica genres  when it comes to overall e-book sales. The Top 5 bestselling authors on iBooks are all women and in any given week they also account for 64% of the Top 100. Meanwhile at Amazon, 56% of the top 100 bestsellers are women and there have been times when the Publishers Weekly top 25 has been dominated by women. How is it … [Read more...] about Please Pay My Bills So I Can Write
Self-Published Books Account for 18% of the US Market
When it comes to self-published e-books and print titles, it is hard to capture any meaningful data. Jonathan Stolper of Nielsen gave a talk at this years Frankfurt Book Fair and dropped a bombshell. Self-Published books account for 18% of the total volume of sales in the United States. Nielsen's data sometimes gets a bad rep in the indie author community because they only … [Read more...] about Self-Published Books Account for 18% of the US Market
Amazon Has 3.4M Titles… And Counting
News that Amazon's catalog has reached 3.4 million records sounds like a good thing, for the retailer as much as for the customers searching for their next good read. Unfortunately, this may not be the case: when a new book is added every 5 minutes (an average of 12 titles per hour), how do you manage to get yours noticed? These rapid increases run the risk or burying … [Read more...] about Amazon Has 3.4M Titles… And Counting
PriceLocal Seeks to Battle Amazon Prices and Support Local Business
Borders Bookstores were the first national chain that went bankrupt due to the rock bottom prices that Amazon provided. Whether customers bought eBooks or physical books bookstore chains felt like they were basically a showroom showroom. Customers would often say "I can get this exact same book for 40% off and you guys only sell it for 30 percent off." In order to combat the … [Read more...] about PriceLocal Seeks to Battle Amazon Prices and Support Local Business
Indie eBooks Need to be Segregated
Industry analysts are claiming that by 2020 50% of all digital books will be written by indie authors. This is going to create massive problems for online bookstores who constantly wrestle with eBook discovery. Simply put, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo did not design their systems to take into account 25,000 new indie titles submitted to their services every month. They … [Read more...] about Indie eBooks Need to be Segregated
Indie Sales up 8% in 2012; eBook Sales Growing As Well
The American Booksellers Association President, Orien Teicher, sent his annual letter to members with some good news. Starting with ebooks, he says that there was a 28% increase in online sales for bookstores using the IndieCommerce platform. Sales of Kobo Readers and ebooks, though in the very early stages, are encouraging, he says. "We significantly outperformed our earlier … [Read more...] about Indie Sales up 8% in 2012; eBook Sales Growing As Well
Marketing Your Writing Through Your Writing
 All writers who have taken on the incredible responsibility for getting their work in front of the public, whether through self-publishing or strictly digital publishing, must know the importance of marketing oneself and maintaining an online presence. Without this valuable step, publishing one’s own work is akin to scribbling it on the wall of a very dark cave. But … [Read more...] about Marketing Your Writing Through Your Writing