The digital publishing revolution, such as it was, had many facets. There was the birth of the take-anywhere traditionally published ebooks, the hope of educational reform through bells and whistles digital textbooks, and perhaps most important of all, the self-publishing arm that allowed anyone to write, publish, and potentially sell a book. But in the space of the few years … [Read more...] about Why Is Self-Publishing Still a “Last Resort?”
indie author
BookFundr Relaunches Crowdfunding Books
What's the impact of crowdfunding? IndieGogo, arguably one of the most popular sites in the business, conducted several surveys and studies to find out how users fared in their campaigns. Not only did they offer key advice for anyone looking to boost a successful campaign, they also highlighted some of the things that made some campaigns stand out from the crowd. Over the … [Read more...] about BookFundr Relaunches Crowdfunding Books
BiblioBoard, Self-e Stage First Annual Indie Author Day
There is little doubt that libraries are a vital part of the fabric of society, even though their importance is in no way limited to books. Surveys over the years have shown a very interesting public viewpoint: even among consumers who respond that they rarely or never visit their local libraries, those same individuals still list access to public libraries as a critical need … [Read more...] about BiblioBoard, Self-e Stage First Annual Indie Author Day
New Harry Potter eBooks Not So New?
First, JK Rowling turned children's books on their head. Then she managed to turn digital publishing and self-publishing on its head. Then she turned the work of being a crossover author on its head. She even managed to turn the concept of being rich on its head. So why are readers so outraged over the very old concept of blog-to-book now that Rowling has tried her hand at … [Read more...] about New Harry Potter eBooks Not So New?
What Can an Online Course Teach Indie Authors?
With years of self-publishing success stories already behind us, it still seems illogical that authors are still resorting to any tactic that will help give them a leg up in the retail book space. Experts have warned authors about the need to invest in their work--professional editing, formatting, and book covers, for example--but there's now another avenue authors can pursue: … [Read more...] about What Can an Online Course Teach Indie Authors?
Closing the Gap: Indies Are Outselling “Real” Authors
Yes, the headline is intentionally inflammatory, and not in a click-bait sort of way. There are many in the publishing industry (and sadly, many even among the lowly writers themselves) who still don't view self-publishing as a viable, respectable avenue to "real" authors. Now that we've gotten mention of that mindset out of the way, it's time to dive into the actual meat of … [Read more...] about Closing the Gap: Indies Are Outselling “Real” Authors
Wattpad Futures Lets Authors Earn Income through Ads
It's tough being an indie author. The industry still offers little respect and the retailers still offer little revenue. Even worse, the "get rich quick scheme" mentality of far too many would-be overnight success seekers has resulted in a marketplace saturated with lousy content, making it difficult for dedicated, talented, professional authors to get their books in front of … [Read more...] about Wattpad Futures Lets Authors Earn Income through Ads
New Harry Potter eBooks Coming from JK Rowling
There are a few major names in self-publishing success--names like Hugh Howey, Bella Andre, HM Ward, and a laundry list of others--and they're synonymous with doing it right. These authors have managed to build entire business empires out of writing and publishing their own works, and doing so while laughing in the face of criticism from an industry still built on … [Read more...] about New Harry Potter eBooks Coming from JK Rowling
How Romance Authors Are Really Faring
Author Earnings is at it again, this time sharing crucial information on the state of romance publishing at the recent Romance Writers of America conference. Romance publishing--even before the advent of self-publishing and digital publishing--has always had this stigma attached to it, as though the work of these talented authors amounts to nothing more than a source of funds … [Read more...] about How Romance Authors Are Really Faring
Pokemon Go and the Book Marketing Angle
As Pokemon Go continues to take over social media and gamers' lives--in all the best ways, of course--industrious authors and booksellers alike have found ways to capitalize on the game's popularity and online clickability in order to entice new customers to give them a look. Some explanations for the game have compared Pokemon Go to geocaching, in that both activities rely … [Read more...] about Pokemon Go and the Book Marketing Angle