Rumors of Apple working on a bigger iPad variant have been doing the rounds for quite some time now. However, there seems something substantive on this front taking place with new reports pointing out a 12.9 inch sized iPad could be ready by October 2014. Along with this, Digitimes is also claiming the said iPad variant will go on to replace the 11 inch MacBook Pro. To what … [Read more...] about Apple Rumored To Launch 12.9 Inch iPad in October
Phablets Projected to Outsell Small Tablets in 2014
In the fast changing world of technology where manufacturers are ever on the lookout for newer segment to engage with the consumer, phablets or big screen smartphones seem to have emerged as a surprise hit. Often being the butt of many a joke during the initial days, phablets have not only grown in size and scope but have also started posing a serious challenge to the entry … [Read more...] about Phablets Projected to Outsell Small Tablets in 2014
Apple App Store Now Boasts of Million Plus Live Apps
The US Apple App Store has crossed one important milestone, that of playing host to over a million live apps for the first time ever. The above feat has been achieved in around five years’ time since the app store first came into being in July 2008. Apple had announced its worldwide app store has made it past the million approved app mark almost a year ago though back then; … [Read more...] about Apple App Store Now Boasts of Million Plus Live Apps
Apple Announced Disappointing Q4 Results, Reports Lower Profit
Things do not seem to be as positive for Apple as its CEO would like us to believe. Its profit for the fourth quarter came out to be $7.5 billion, which is less than the $8.2 billion profit that the company made during the same period a year ago. What is even more disappointing is that the slight dip in profit comes on the heels of the company having sold a record 33.8 million … [Read more...] about Apple Announced Disappointing Q4 Results, Reports Lower Profit
Who Uses ComiXology? Part II
The day before New York Comic Con, the comiXology folks invited the press to their office for a presentation about their user groups and a chance to hear some actual comiXology users talk about their comics reading habits. We covered the statistics in Part I of this story, and now here are some of the comments we heard from users. The group consisted of three men and two … [Read more...] about Who Uses ComiXology? Part II
NARR8 Launches Web Version: An Exclusive Interview with CEO Maxim Matveyko
The digital comics and e-books platform NARR8 launched last November and has been downloaded 1 million times since then, on iPads, iPhones, Android devices, Facebook, Windows 8 devices, and Kindle Fire. This week, they expanded to the next frontier: The web. NARR8 offers motion comics and e-books with an interactive component. When I spoke to vice president of business … [Read more...] about NARR8 Launches Web Version: An Exclusive Interview with CEO Maxim Matveyko
Scrollon Comics App Adds iPhone Version
The makers of the Scrollon digital comics app, which I reviewed here last June, have introduced an iPhone version; the original app was iPad only. Scrollon is unique among comics apps in that it does away with panels altogether in favor of a single, continuous horizontal strip. As I pointed out in the review, it's still hard to get away from the idea of panels, even if the … [Read more...] about Scrollon Comics App Adds iPhone Version
Apple iPhone 5s Launched
The iPhone 5s is finally out, and like all ‘s’ suffixed devices we have had from Apple so far, it is almost identical to its predecessor. Apple chose to add some freshness to the new iPhone 5s range by introducing some new color options, space grey, gold and white. However, that’s just a part of the iPhone 5s story, as the new Apple flagship smartphone also comes with some cool … [Read more...] about Apple iPhone 5s Launched
iOS 7 Set For September 18 Debut
Apple today made an announcement that many have been waiting for: the all new iOS 7 will be ready on September 18 for deployment on iPhone, iPad, and iPod devices. The new software platform can be had via a free update that will be compatible on iPad Mini and iPad 2 and above models, though not all features are expected to arrive on all models. As for its iPhone and iPod range, … [Read more...] about iOS 7 Set For September 18 Debut
Interactive eBooks coming to the Apple iPhone
Interactive eBooks created with iBooks Author have always been relegated to iPad version. The large screen makes optimizing textbooks, kids books and a slew of other content really shine. iBooks support for the Mac will be coming as part of Apple's launch of the full iBooks experience in OS X Mavericks, and iPhone support may also be in the works. In the past, viewing an … [Read more...] about Interactive eBooks coming to the Apple iPhone