Kobo has just formed partnerships with Booksellers New Zealand and The Paper Plus Group. This will bring new e-Reading devices and the Kobo bookstore to customers on a retail level and online. Kobo established its first partnership in New Zealand with Whitcoulls in 2010, and is now working with independent bookstore members of Booksellers NZ and the Paper Plus Group to bring … [Read more...] about Kobo Makes a Massive Push into New Zealand
Hands on Review of the Kobo Mini eReader
The Kobo Mini was unveiled today at an exclusive press event in Toronto, Ontario. Good e-Reader was live at the scene to get the full scoop on what the Kobo Mini eReader is all about. This device should dominate the entry level market due to the amazing price point of $79.99 and the features it packs in. Hardware The Kobo Mini is a very pocket Friendly 5 inch e-Reader … [Read more...] about Hands on Review of the Kobo Mini eReader
100,000 Kobo e-Readers Sold in Japan
The Kobo Touch e-Reader went on sale on July 19th in Japan and it seems as though over 100,000 e-readers have been sold. There are over 26,000 eBooks currently available to be purchased and downloaded for free. However Rakuten promised that the store would have 30,000 by the end of July, 60,000 by late August, and 200,000 by the end of the year. It does not look like they are … [Read more...] about 100,000 Kobo e-Readers Sold in Japan
Kobo iOS App Updated to Support More International Languages
Today Kobo has added support for more languages on the Apple iPad and iPhone: French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Dutch. These new languages come at the perfect time! The company has been very busy in the last six months entering new European markets. Now you are not limited to your Kobo Vox or Kobo Touch for reading foreign languages, but can also access the various … [Read more...] about Kobo iOS App Updated to Support More International Languages
Kobo Launches the Writing Life Self-Publishing Platform
Kobo has finally taken the wraps off of its newest project, Kobo Writing Life. The development of this self-publishing initiative has taken well over a year to develop and is finally released. It gives authors the ability to convert an existing Microsoft Word file to an EPUB format. It also gives you the power to download your file and distribute it to friends and family, or … [Read more...] about Kobo Launches the Writing Life Self-Publishing Platform
Kobo Opens up a Small Kiosk at Grand Central Terminal
Kobo has taken to the streets in an attempt to regale the common man with the virtues of carrying a library in your pocket. They have opened up their first kiosk location in Grand Central Terminal at the Graybar Passage to show off various e-readers and accessories. You can eagerly explore the Kobo Touch and various other devices under the Kobo brand. There are around 4 … [Read more...] about Kobo Opens up a Small Kiosk at Grand Central Terminal