As book discovery continues to plague authors of every ilk in a market that is saturated with content, platforms like Smashwords continue to look for new ways to help authors bring readers to their books easily. Today, the ebook distribution platform announced a new feature, Series Manager, aimed at helping authors lump their series titles together for easier search … [Read more...] about Smashwords Launches Series Manager, Receives Award Nomination from BISG
mark coker
Smashwords Releases Data from eBook Sales Study
The ebook distribution site Smashwords, spearheaded by founder Mark Coker, is often at the forefront of what is shaping digital publishing. Whether it's making a free platform available to self-published authors or helping writers find industry professionals to work with them, the site is much more than just a portal for purchasing inexpensive digital books. Today, the … [Read more...] about Smashwords Releases Data from eBook Sales Study
2012 Was the Year of the Indie…What Now?
It took long enough, but several sources have finally declared 2012 to have been the year of the Indie Author. From their declarations, what set 2012 apart seems to have been the reduced stigma in being a self-published author, the volume of high-quality works that are being brought to market without the efforts of the traditional publishing industry, and the banding together … [Read more...] about 2012 Was the Year of the Indie…What Now?
Smashwords’ CEO Mark Coker on the Tsunami of Self-Publishing
Mark Coker published his own predictions for publishing in 2013 on the Smashwords' blog earlier last week, and it is quite a comprehensive list. With over twenty-one separate items that will have an effect on publishing and book selling in the next twelve months. GoodeReader spoke with Coker about some of the specific observations he made about where the industry may be … [Read more...] about Smashwords’ CEO Mark Coker on the Tsunami of Self-Publishing
Self-Publishing Gains Ground, Acceptance
Publisher’s Weekly posted a recap article of the recent Miami Book Fair, and went to great lengths to expand on the importance that was placed on self-publishing at this year’s event. As one of the most respected book events in the country and celebrating almost thirty years of books and authors, featuring information sessions on a publication process that was once relegated to … [Read more...] about Self-Publishing Gains Ground, Acceptance
Self-Pubbed Authors Make a Showing on NYT Bestseller List
Does anyone still remember the arguments from only a year or so ago, the ones where critics said that digital publishing was going to destroy the book industry or where fans of ebooks promised it would be the death of paper books? Or the literary agents and publishers who firmly held the doors shut in order to keep the digitally and self-published riff raff from being confused … [Read more...] about Self-Pubbed Authors Make a Showing on NYT Bestseller List
Why A Traditional Publisher Can Hurt Your Career
Mark Coker, CEO and founder of the hugely successful ebook distribution platform Smashwords, wrote a blog poston how the sales figures for an indie author versus those of a traditionally published author can demonstrate something that not many in the industry know: a traditional publishing deal might actually do more harm than good for an author. Essentially, Coker broke it … [Read more...] about Why A Traditional Publisher Can Hurt Your Career
Smashwords’ Mark Coker and Advice for the Indie Author
BookExpo America’s preshow event, uPublishU, kicked off what will become a week of breakout sessions, author and expert panels, and publishing industry networking. This year’s event, while already shaping up to be larger than ever, incorporated an entire day-long event for self-published authors and anyone interested in how to put their manuscripts in front of readers in a … [Read more...] about Smashwords’ Mark Coker and Advice for the Indie Author
KDP Select: A New Perspective
Some of the first uproar over Amazon’s newest publishing option, KDP Select, has quieted down as various industry watchers wait to see some results. In the meantime, GoodEReader spoke with Mark Coker, CEO of Smashwords, about what it means for indie authors and for the digital self-publishing industry. “We are not unbiased here,” said Coker of the program that requires … [Read more...] about KDP Select: A New Perspective
How Readers Discover New eBooks
Mark Coker the CEO of Smashwords recently ran a poll in which over 200 respondents answered the question, "How do you discover new books?" The survey asked readers to reply to the main factor that influences how they discover new books to read. The main points being made will really help authors, agents, and publishers zone in on the most popular reasons, in order to reach … [Read more...] about How Readers Discover New eBooks