It has just been days back that the MeeBook M103 e-note device was launched. It comes across as a nice E Ink tablet with decent specs and a matching price tag. AliExpress is now offering the M103 for $358.89 which includes the case as well along with the e-note done up in black. For that amount, you get an e-note device having a 10.3-inch 227 PPI display having 256 levels of … [Read more...] about MeeBook M103: Specs and Price Discussed
Meebook M103
Meebook M103 with 10.3-inch E Ink display now on sale in China
As expected, the Meebook M103 has gone on sale in China. The e-note with a 10.3-inch E Ink display comes with 4 GB RAM and 64 GB ROM, the latter being further expandable via external cards to up to 1TB. The display comes with a 1404 x 1872 resolution and is front-lit with warm and cool temperature controls. This ensures you have the most optimum reading experience irrespective … [Read more...] about Meebook M103 with 10.3-inch E Ink display now on sale in China
New Meebook 103 e-note set for May 3 debut
There is this new e-note device on the block - the Meebook M103, e-ReaderPro reported. The e-note comes with a 10.3-inch monochrome e-paper display having 1404 x 1872 or 227 PPI resolution. The display benefits from a front light system offering individual warm and cold light controls which means you should have no issues reading in dimly lit conditions as well. On the other … [Read more...] about New Meebook 103 e-note set for May 3 debut