In many ways, Netflix has enjoyed being the de facto standard in the video streaming game --but that is all starting to change. Other services are gaining ground, particularly Amazon, and especially with their plans for a free video service (where currently you must have a $99/year Prime membership). Some of you might recall that this isn't the first time that the rumour … [Read more...] about Amazon Prepares for Free Video Service
Amazon Launches Fire TV in the UK
Consumers have been enjoying Amazon Fire TV in the US since the launch in April of this year, but now the device is also available to those waiting eagerly in the UK. Plugging the small Fire TV box into your HDTV allows for you to instantly enjoy access to services like: Netflix, Prime Instant Video, Demand 5, Spotify, Sky News, Curzon Home Cinema, YouTube, as well as low-cost … [Read more...] about Amazon Launches Fire TV in the UK
Amazon Ready to Stream in 4K This October
We've been hearing from Amazon that they plan to shoot their 2014 original series lineup in 4K (which you can enjoy if you happen to own a Samsung Ultra HD TV). Until now, we just didn't know when. Samsung has now revealed that this will be happening in October of this year, stating that they plan to support Amazon's Prime Instant Video UHD streaming on their 4K TVs. This is … [Read more...] about Amazon Ready to Stream in 4K This October
Oyster Adds Web-Based Mobile Reading to Its Platform
eBook subscriptions services are making headlines right now, especially following the launch of Amazon's Kindle Unlimited program. In some ways, correlations can be made that two other pioneering subscription services--Scribd and Oyster--could have paved the way for KU, despite the various differences in their platforms. While other ebook subscription startups have been around … [Read more...] about Oyster Adds Web-Based Mobile Reading to Its Platform
Amazon Prime Instant Video Imminent
Subscribers to the Amazon Prime Instant Video service have longed for an Android app that would work on devices other than the proprietary Kindle Fire tablets (and oddly, iOS-based tablets which are already supported as well). Fortunately it appears that the release of an actual Android app is 'imminent' (according to their Marketing Director, Russell Morris). Amazon Prime … [Read more...] about Amazon Prime Instant Video Imminent
Hearst Offers New Cosmo-Themed Digital Video Subscription Service
As more and more print publishers look for ways to stay relevant in the digital landscape, creative solutions to meeting their readers' needs continue to evolve. This is especially true of print periodical publishers, as more consumers are turning to other sources to stay on top of news and entertainment. Hearst Corporation, who is arguably one of the largest media … [Read more...] about Hearst Offers New Cosmo-Themed Digital Video Subscription Service
Netflix Updates UI In Time for First Original Anime Series
Fellow Netflix addicts will have already noticed that the icon has changed colour (from red to white), but a few other things have changed as well. The UI has been updated on Android to be a little darker (showing more shadowy tones), but it also appears that performance has been improved with even smoother video playback. These updates may seem less significant for anime … [Read more...] about Netflix Updates UI In Time for First Original Anime Series
The eBook Subscription Model is Here to Stay
At an IDPF and BISG panel today as part of its Making Information Pay event, speakers addressed one of the key changes the publishing industry is undergoing: ebook subscriptions. When 24Symbols launched in 2010 as a Netflix-style model for ebook consumption, publishers weren't quick to jump on board, at least not in the US. One reason may have been that the company was simply … [Read more...] about The eBook Subscription Model is Here to Stay
Tales2Go Launches Netflix for Audiobooks Service, Aimed At Kids
As if this is something that we have been missing, there is now a Netflix type all-you-can-eat sort of service for audiobooks as well. Tales2Go, as the app is named however caters to only kids and has thousands of kid specific titles to choose from, all for a monthly subscription of $9.99 or $99.99 annually. The app, which started out in 2010 (with just 900 titles then) also … [Read more...] about Tales2Go Launches Netflix for Audiobooks Service, Aimed At Kids
Comics on the Small Screen: Jessica Jones Gets Netflix Series
Early last month, Netflix announced that it will develop five miniseries based on Marvel comics: Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist will each get their own miniseries, then they will all come together in The Defenders. Last week, the news broke that Twilight writer Melissa Rosenberg will be the writer and executive producer of the Jessica Jones miniseries; she … [Read more...] about Comics on the Small Screen: Jessica Jones Gets Netflix Series