Apple has won the tablet battle in Germany against rival Samsung, which means the Korean conglomerate can't sell its Galaxy Tab 10.1 in that country. A higher regional court in Duesseldorf, Germany has upheld the temporary ban that was imposed on the Samsung tablet in an earlier judgement. However, the victory can be considered as largely symbolic as Samsung had already … [Read more...] about Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Stands Banned in Germany
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1N
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1N fails to impress Apple, seeking ban in Germany
Not surprisingly, Samsung's new Galaxy Tab 10.1N has failed to impress Apple boffins with the latter already having moved court to seek a fresh ban on Samsung selling the re-designed tablet. Samsung had earlier lost their case in court and had to stop selling their Galaxy Tab 10.1 in Germany due to a ruling by a local court that had gone in favor of Apple. Samsung has … [Read more...] about Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1N fails to impress Apple, seeking ban in Germany
Samsung Now Selling Galaxy Tab 10.1N in Germany to Work Around Court Ban
To circumvent the court ruling that bans the sale of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 in Germany, Samsung has come up with slight modification in both the name and design of the tablet. What was known as the Galaxy Tab 10.1 is now being referred to as the Galaxy Tab 10.1N, while the changes in design can be best seen in graphical format. Comparing the original with the newly launched … [Read more...] about Samsung Now Selling Galaxy Tab 10.1N in Germany to Work Around Court Ban