Embark on a captivating auditory journey with the forthcoming release of "Sherlock Holmes: The Complete BBC Collection." This extraordinary collection comprises sixty thrilling full-cast adaptations of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's iconic detective tales that were originally aired on BBC Radio 4 from 1989 to 1995. Immerse yourself in the brilliant performances of Clive Merrison and … [Read more...] about Classic BBC radio Sherlock Holmes adaptations to make Audible debut soon
sherlock holmes
Storytel will stream three new Sherlock Holmes audiobook in 2022
Sherlock Holmes is all set to make a comeback, that too in the form of audiobooks. All of this is the result of a new partnership forged between the Swedish audiobook platform, Storytel, and Conan Doyle Estate with the actual stories to be written by novelist Anthony Horowitz. Horowitz also isn't a stranger to the shadowy world of crime and punishment, having such literary … [Read more...] about Storytel will stream three new Sherlock Holmes audiobook in 2022
New Sherlock App Brings VR to Baker Street
Everything about the digital revolution in recent years has brought innovation to the written word. Some of the technology behind reading has been truly game-changing, like the advent of the e-reader and the online retail bookstores. Other startups have offered little more than bells-and-whistles that were intended to spark a renewed interest in old favorites; but even those … [Read more...] about New Sherlock App Brings VR to Baker Street
US Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Copyright Arguments over Sherlock Holmes
Most people don't think of copyright law when they think of gripping drama and suspenseful twists and turns, but the truth is copyright is actually quite fascinating. Of course, no one is more fascinated right now than the litigants in a case involving copyright over Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes characters. To understand the ramifications of a case that is … [Read more...] about US Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Copyright Arguments over Sherlock Holmes
Judge Rules on Sherlock Holmes Public Domain Case
With the dramatic changes that have been taking place in the publishing industry over the last few years, it's easy to forget that some very solid, set in stone rules do still apply where books are concerned. One of those key areas is in copyright, which can be a sensitive issue in terms of anthologizing or crafting new stories based on decades-old characters and works. A US … [Read more...] about Judge Rules on Sherlock Holmes Public Domain Case
New Complete Sherlock Holmes Edition from Simon & Schuster
Of course, Sherlock Holmes is in the public domain and available from such sources as Project Gutenberg, but now Simon & Schuster is launching a complete edition that has the benefit of professional editing. A lot of the editions on Amazon, for example, are a bit rough and could use a professional touch. Since the new edition is free, you might as well give it a try. In … [Read more...] about New Complete Sherlock Holmes Edition from Simon & Schuster