Selling e-Books is a Losing Proposition for Indie Bookstores

Indie bookstores have enjoyed a resurgence in book sales over the course…

Amazon’s Tax Woes Hit EU

The past few years have not been kind to Amazon in terms…

The New Self-Publishing: Amazon Takes on Etsy

What Amazon has done to reshape the publishing industry as a whole…

Authors Guild President Advises Authors Not to Write for Free

The President of the Authors Guild has decreed that authors should not…

Major Publishers Are Not Listening to Authors

The dream for many aspiring writers is to be picked up by…

Margaret Atwood Will Time Capsule a New Book May 26th on Periscope

Margaret Atwood is the first author that will be participating in the…

Kobo Emerging Writer Prize Shortlist Announced

Kobo has just unveiled the shortlist for a new literary initiative that celebrates digital…

Steven Spielberg Bringing Brave New World to Syfy

Steven Spielberg’s production company, Amblin, is set to adapt the classic Aldous…

Will Europe Become a Single Market for e-books?

The European digital publishing industry is fragmented beyond belief. Every single member…

How Agency Pricing Has Affected the Bestseller Lists

Hugh Howey and Friends (that really should be a trademarked superhero team…

The Sad Joke That Is the 2015 Hugo Awards

Imagine working your tail off to become a writer, to hone your…

Get Ready to Celebrate Indie Bookstores this Weekend

In all of the attention given to Amazon and its fights with…