iOS8 Means eBook Discovery for Indie Authors

Apple’s fall release of iOS 8 was unveiled in a press conference…

eBooks to be a Billion Dollar Business in the UK by 2018

Digital books are on pace to outsell print in the United Kingdom…

Book Review: Sharky Marky and the Big Race

Verdict: 4 Stars I first came across the creatives behind Sharky Marky…

Librify Brings Back the Book Club with Virtual Capabilities

Two different companies met up with Good e-Reader at this year’s BookExpo…

Rick Riordan Speaks to Good e-Reader about Kids’ Digital Literacy

It’s a widely held belief that kids and e-reading just don’t seem…

School’s Out…What Are Your Kids Reading?

Now that school is out for most of the country, there’s a…

Author Tools from This Year’s BEA

BookExpo America is the largest North American publishing event and it has…

BookExpo 2014 In Pictures

Author Rick Riordan and Hachette’s Vanessa Vazquez met up with the team…

Shebooks Launches Kickstarter Campaign for Equal Writes

With so many demands on time and rigid scheduling, it can be…

Crowdfunding Opportunities for Authors Evolve with Pentian

Crowdfunding has grown into a popular method of securing much-needed financial backing…

Indie Excellence Awards Presented at BookExpo America

Even as self-publishing experiences a greater degree than ever before of respect…

Apple Request to Delay Damages Trial Rejected by Appeals Court

In the ongoing legal battles involving Apple over antitrust violations in an…

IndieReader Announces IRDA Winners at BookExpo

IndieReader, the essential consumer guide to self-published books and the people who…