DC Comics Storefront Launches on iBooks

The DC Comics section on Apple iBooks has received a dramatic makeover.…

Image Comics to Give over 20 Free Issues Away via ComiXology

Image Comics intends on making a huge splash on the ComiXology platform…

Viz Media Adopts Same Day Digital Releases for Manga

Viz Media announced earlier in the week that it will release the…

Digital Manga Titles Added to ComiXology and iBooks

If you love Manga, most of the mainstream comic book apps don’t…

Get Your Manga Fix with 10,000 Titles on the iPad via Manga Rock 2

Manga and Apple? The two normally did not go hand and hand…

Marvel cancels ‘Thanos: Son of Titan’ Comic Series

Thanos the Mad Titan took the Marvel Universe by storm when he…

Breakdown of the New Comixology App for Digital Comics

For purists who will only ever accept comics books in their original…

Comic Accelerator Provides an Alternative to Kickstarter for Digital Publishing

There is no denying the rapid growth of Kickstarter as an avenue…

Kickstarter Quietly Becomes the 4th Largest Graphic Novel Publisher

When Kickstarter first launched in 2008, it had aspirations to tap into…

Diamond and iVerse Offer Retailers a Way to Montetize Digital Comics

Many traditional comic book shop owners have noticed a decrease in revenue…

Barnes and Noble Locks Up DC Comics on the Nook

There was a time when the Kindle Fire had an exclusive relationship…

Digital Content for Father’s Day

There are probably a good number of dads hoping to wake up…

Kindle Cloud Reader and iOS App Updated to Support Comic Books

Amazon has updated their Kindle Cloud Reader and iOS apps today to…

Image Comics for the New iPad Updated to Support HD

Image Comics is fairly popular and is powered by Comixology for their…

DreamWorks App Centralizes Children’s Digital Content

One of the features of digital enhanced ebooks for children that has…

Doonesbury and Dilbert comics now available on the Kindle Fire

Today Amazon has announced that two anthologies of the Doonesbury and Dilbert…

The G.I. Joe iPad App Gets the HD Treatment

The official G.I. Joe iPad app has just received an upgrade that…

Trajectory Launches 120 Graphic Novels for the Kobo Vox

The Kobo Vox sure has been getting lots of comic book loving…

Marvel Signs Exclusive Deal with Comixology for Single Issue Digital Comics

Marvel Comics has enjoyed a resurgence in the last few years with…