Kobo launched its new self-publishing dashboard at this morning's BookExpo event, and the Director of Self-Publishing Services and Author Relations was on hand for an interview with GoodEReader to talk about what Writing Life offers both traditional publishers and self-published authors in terms of real-time sales data, notifications, and foreign language markets. … [Read more...] about Interview with Mark Lefbvre of Kobo: Writing Life Platform
Life After Download – Richard Nash at IDPF Digital Book Conference
“In 1950, publishing consisted of white men in tweed coats publishing each other. It looked a lot like Mad Men, but they dress better.” Richard Nash, VP of Small Demons, began his brief tour through the history of publishing by showing that a massive rate of growth took place in the twentieth century publishing world, but that the rate of growth began to slow. But the … [Read more...] about Life After Download – Richard Nash at IDPF Digital Book Conference
Print-On-Demand: The Future of Publishing? A Talk with Richard Curtis
Richard Curtis, literary agent and founder of the oldest independent ebook publishing company E-Reads, recently posted an article for Digital Book World on where print-on-demand can potentially take the publishing industry and what price barriers are currently stopping it from faring as well as it potentially can. Curtis spoke with GoodeReader today about where POD can lead the … [Read more...] about Print-On-Demand: The Future of Publishing? A Talk with Richard Curtis
Booktype Launches Crowd-Sourced eBook Tools
Booktype has just launched its free, open source platform for writing and publishing print and digital books. Why is it different from Apple iBooks Author or other platforms? It's built for collaborative writing, is open source and free, can push to all channels including print, and it allows anyone to build an entire platform and community around writing, editing, and … [Read more...] about Booktype Launches Crowd-Sourced eBook Tools
Pixel Qi Shifting their Business Strategy away from Consumer Electronics
Pixel Qi is well known for developing a new breed of screens that deliver an unparalleled experience in direct sunlight and draw very low power. The company has seen their technology showcased in the early One Laptop per Child program in Africa, which initially drew industry wide attention to the company. In the last year their screens were featured in various ZTE Tablets in … [Read more...] about Pixel Qi Shifting their Business Strategy away from Consumer Electronics
Data Conversion Laboratory CEO Mark Gross on Poor Ebook Quality
Data Conversion Laboratory issued a press release earlier this week that indicates that reading consumers are speaking out against poorly formatted and error-ridden ebooks, sometimes even those works that have been commercially produced through major publishing houses. In a survey conducted by DCL, over four hundred respondents cited quality as the number one issue of concern … [Read more...] about Data Conversion Laboratory CEO Mark Gross on Poor Ebook Quality
The Chief Marketing Officer of e-Ink Holdings Discusses Technology and e-Readers
e-Ink Holdings is the company responsible for the technology found in some of the world's most popular e-readers. If you have the Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble Nook Simple Touch, Kobo Touch, or most Sony devices, they have an e-ink screen. We caught up with the Chief Marketing Officer of E Ink Holdings Inc, Sriram K. Peruvemba, for a great discussion on the current state of … [Read more...] about The Chief Marketing Officer of e-Ink Holdings Discusses Technology and e-Readers
Shop e-Readers and Vancouver Community College bring e-readers to the classroom
Shop e-Readers has struck a new deal with Vancouver Community College to bring e-readers to the classroom. Starting in a few weeks at the Broadway and Downtown campus will begin to sell Kindle e-Readers in the student bookstores. The Kindle e-Reader continues to be one of the most dominant e-readers in the market and has great relevance for the overall student body. Not only … [Read more...] about Shop e-Readers and Vancouver Community College bring e-readers to the classroom
Ebook of the Week: Susan Wingate
This week’s GoodEReader.com Ebook of the Week, recently named the 2011 Forward National Literature Award winner for Drama, is Drowning by Susan Wingate. She is also the author of the bestselling Bobby’s Diner (2010 International Book Awards finalist) series. “Drowning is a story about mothers and daughters and those who have loved them,” says the author of this title. “It’s … [Read more...] about Ebook of the Week: Susan Wingate
The First-Ever Good e-Reader Online Ebook Signing Was a Success!
Over one hundred fans attended the online ebook signing with author HP Mallory, thanks to Autography’s ebook signing software and Spreecast, the social video platform. Fans were able to ask questions live, receive their signed ebooks instantly via email, and interact with the author as she answered interview questions from our members of the Good e-Reader community. Many of … [Read more...] about The First-Ever Good e-Reader Online Ebook Signing Was a Success!