The American Library Association has just written a petition, citing their utter and complete disdain for the new Macmillan library terms. Macmillan is basically only allowing one ebook copy to be available for libraries during the first eight weeks of release and libraries can only issue one ebook at a time. In a July memo addressed to Macmillan authors, illustrators, and … [Read more...] about ALA starts an online petition against new Macmillan ebook policy
AR, VR and Alexa will dominate ALA Midwinter
The American Library Association Midwinter conference is occuring at the Colorado convention centre from February 9-12. Unlike previous years where audiobooks, ebooks and politics dominate the discussion groups, this year is entirely different. AR, VR and voice assistants are going to dominate the Future of Libraries track which will examine near-term trends already inspiring … [Read more...] about AR, VR and Alexa will dominate ALA Midwinter
How eBooks Can Save Banned Books
It's Banned Books Week, a popular celebration for rebel readers put on by the American Library Association. For thirty-five years, the ALA has encouraged readers to explore the list of books that have been banned or challenged in schools, libraries, and even retail sales in order to exercise their right to read. Unfortunately, in this climate of political angsts and … [Read more...] about How eBooks Can Save Banned Books
American Library Association Partners with Google
The American Library Association has just partnered with Google for a “Ready to Code" program. The $500,000 pilot program is part of Phase III of Libraries Ready to Code, an ongoing collaboration between ALA and Google to ensure that expert library professionals are prepared to develop and deliver programming that promotes computer science and computational thinking among … [Read more...] about American Library Association Partners with Google
We Need Libraries Now More than Ever
Libraries have had it rough for quite some time. They've been underfunded, understocked, underappreciated...yet they still cling to life because their communities need them. In an interesting twist, a Pew Internet study found that far more people believe losing their local public library would have a severely negative impact on their communities than actually ever used that … [Read more...] about We Need Libraries Now More than Ever
The American Library Association Releases Their Full Schedule
The American Library Association Annual event is transpiring June 23rd to June 28th in Orlando. The organization has just released their full schedule, which comprises of peer to peer discussion groups and keynote speeches. The one thing I really dig about attending the ALA annual events is the sheer amount of program material there is. You can listen in as people talk … [Read more...] about The American Library Association Releases Their Full Schedule
Book Expo America Partners with ALA
One of the best things about the annual Book Expo America event in New York is all of the different keynotes and sessions. This is where authors, agents and publishers get a sense of trends in the industry. Book Expo America is doing something very different at the 2016 event, they are encouraging librarians to visit with an entirely new track of events and sessions. Book … [Read more...] about Book Expo America Partners with ALA
American Library Association debuts new contest for indie authors
The American Library Association is launching a new literary award that is primarily aimed at debut and self-published authors. They are running it in conjunction with the Library Journal and Bilbioboard. The formation of the SELF-e Literary Award began with BiblioBoard and Library Journal’s SELF-e program, an e-book discovery service launched in May 2014 that helps connect … [Read more...] about American Library Association debuts new contest for indie authors
New research highlights expanded roles of libraries
A majority of the United States nearly 17,000 public libraries provide programs to help identify health insurance resources and also training to increase familiarity with new technologies, according to a new study from the American Library Association (ALA). This year’s Digital Inclusion Survey caps two decades of research on public libraries and the internet and the expanded … [Read more...] about New research highlights expanded roles of libraries
Boopsie Library-Branded Apps Increase Patron Engagement
When library patrons think of ebook lending, they might be familiar with the powers behind the books, with names like OverDrive or 3M distributing content to their local libraries. But with survey data from as recently as 2012 indicating that the majority of library patrons in the US didn't even know their public libraries could lend ebooks, despite the current numbers that 90% … [Read more...] about Boopsie Library-Branded Apps Increase Patron Engagement