Despite the adage that you can't judge a book by its cover, you certainly can tell a lot about a company by its brand. Everything from its name to its company logo to even considerations like the office paint scheme and address can tell consumers volumes about the tones and attitudes that the company is working to present. This is a part of the reason that the Memphis, … [Read more...] about Digital Publishing Startup Screwpulp Gets a Facelift, New Name
digital publishing news
Digital Publishers Turning from Replica Magazines
Digital magazines and newspapers have long fallen victim to the replica syndrome that once plagued ebooks. As mere digital copies of the print original, these versions simply weren't taking advantage of all that the technology had to offer. But thanks to the development of magazine apps, embedded videos and hyperlinks, and other branches of digital formatting, digital magazines … [Read more...] about Digital Publishers Turning from Replica Magazines
The Impact of Digital Magazine Covers
One of the early complaints about ebooks was that they weren't taking full advantage of the possibilities that digital provided. Rather than maximizing the full potential of the concept, early ebooks were just portable, digital, page-by-page replicas of their print counterparts. In an interesting finger-pointing twist, industry experts have now said the same thing about digital … [Read more...] about The Impact of Digital Magazine Covers
What Would You Pay to Read a Book?
What can $294,038 buy you? According to one author, it can buy you an airline ticket, two nights in a hotel, one meal, and the right to read a book that's been out for quite some time, among other things. eBook pricing has been a hotly contested issue in the last few years, debated among industry insiders and court officials alike. But a new offer from author James Patterson … [Read more...] about What Would You Pay to Read a Book?
HarperCollins to Publish Sequel to To Kill a Mockingbird
The day that literary fans have eagerly awaited has finally come with the announcement that Harper Lee, reclusive author of the 1960 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel To Kill a Mockingbird, will publish her second book, a sequel to her award-winning first book, later this year. The book, titled Go Set a Watchman, will feature an adult Scout and will be set in the 1950s in the … [Read more...] about HarperCollins to Publish Sequel to To Kill a Mockingbird
The Indie Author Dream: Fact or Fiction?
Much of the ongoing drama between the self-publishing proponents and the traditional publishing industry boils down to one chief concern: money. With whole data sets dedicated to examining not only what self-published authors truly earn but also what traditionally published authors are (or more likely, are not) earning, the facts seem pretty clear: Authors who do the work of … [Read more...] about The Indie Author Dream: Fact or Fiction?
Competition in the Digital Library Content Market
Just as publishers and book retailers compete for reading consumers' time and funds, so too do digital content providers compete for the all-important library market. Companies like OverDrive and 3M Library System work to offer the largest catalogs of content, the most seamless patron experiences, and the most support in terms of technology and taking some of the circulation … [Read more...] about Competition in the Digital Library Content Market
Digital Newspapers Save the Local Coverage Market
Newspapers around the country have been in a steady decline over the past few years, a decline that arguably began with nightly news coverage as more and more households bought a television. In essence, a daily newspaper prints yesterday's news, which is then read at the end of the work day, making it nearly two days old. Internet news access--most of it free above the cost … [Read more...] about Digital Newspapers Save the Local Coverage Market
Author Earnings 2015: Indies Are Still Winning, the Industry Still Doesn’t Believe It
You have to hand it to Hugh Howey and the elusive Data Guy: they do a great but thankless service for which they receive heaps of professional scorn, but they don't let that stop them. Every time they release a new Author Earnings report filled with charts and graphs and actual information culled over countless hours at the computer, I remember the scene from the film Day After … [Read more...] about Author Earnings 2015: Indies Are Still Winning, the Industry Still Doesn’t Believe It
New Report Uncovers China’s Book Sales
If there was every any doubt about the need for authors and publishers to distribute their books abroad, a new report on book consumption in China may have just put those thoughts to rest. While China does boast the largest single-country population on the planet, those numbers translate into an incredible amount of sales within the various provinces. What is more … [Read more...] about New Report Uncovers China’s Book Sales