In some ways, the current state of digital publishing is even more mysterious to indie writers than when the doors first opened on publishing a handful of years ago. With so many more options than the first wave of publishing revolution, even seasoned, published authors may find some of the new options and features a little daunting. Two of the many reliable, on-going … [Read more...] about SelfPublishing Info Sessions for Indie Authors
digital publishing news
Self-Publishing the Family Cookbook
When the digital revolution kicked off, it sparked a wave--for better or for worse, depending on which supporter or critic you ask--of self-publishing opportunities that many were quick to take advantage of. But there were key groups who were left out at first, namely children's book authors, graphic novelists, photo array creators, and similar content developers. But thanks to … [Read more...] about Self-Publishing the Family Cookbook
New Initiative Puts India Closer to Broader Digital Adoption
One of the early adoption markets for tablet use, K12 digital textbooks, and a thriving e-commerce site to offer ebooks was India, but recent reports have shown somewhat stagnant responses, which experts have attributed to a lack of reliable wifi and internet connectivity throughout the country, as well as concerns about posting credit card information on unreliable digital … [Read more...] about New Initiative Puts India Closer to Broader Digital Adoption
Story2Go SelfPub Children’s eBook Creator App
The digital revolution and its subsequent self-publishing hey day have perhaps sparked more change in literature and publishing than any event since Gutenberg started tinkering, but for all of the great talk of "equalizing" and breaking down barriers, what industry watchers were really referring to was text-based novels. A number of demographics in the publishing business were … [Read more...] about Story2Go SelfPub Children’s eBook Creator App
OverDrive Announces Growth in K12 Market
Any time a library can report an increase in circulation, patron engagement, offered services, and catalog content, it's a cause for celebration. Libraries as vital parts of healthy communities are in a constant state of defense, so growth in the sector is good to hear. But when the libraries in question are school libraries who cater to the needs of emerging readers (and … [Read more...] about OverDrive Announces Growth in K12 Market
Boopsie Library-Branded Apps Increase Patron Engagement
When library patrons think of ebook lending, they might be familiar with the powers behind the books, with names like OverDrive or 3M distributing content to their local libraries. But with survey data from as recently as 2012 indicating that the majority of library patrons in the US didn't even know their public libraries could lend ebooks, despite the current numbers that 90% … [Read more...] about Boopsie Library-Branded Apps Increase Patron Engagement
Looking Ahead to DBW’s Author Survey Results
DBW has been conducting in-depth author surveys over the past few years, releasing annual reports on the state of publishing from the viewpoints of these survey respondents. The results, which will be compiled, examined, and released at next week's Digital Book World event, attempt to give a clear picture of how authors are faring in both traditional and self-publishing, along … [Read more...] about Looking Ahead to DBW’s Author Survey Results
Google News Excludes Spanish Publishers Due to New Tax Law
Google News is apart of our lives, it’s free to use and includes everything from the world’s biggest newspapers to small, local publications and bloggers. Due to new tax laws passed in Spain, Google News is shuttering their doors on December 16th. In October, the Spanish government passed a new copyright law that goes into effect in early January. It imposes fees for online … [Read more...] about Google News Excludes Spanish Publishers Due to New Tax Law
Bublish Secures New Round of Investment Funding
Any author, traditionally published or indie, can tell you that one of the hardest parts of the business side of being an author is finding genuine promotion opportunities that give authors a real sense of reader engagement. Apart from the flood of social media requests from authors asking consumers to purchase their books, far too many authors don't have another step in mind … [Read more...] about Bublish Secures New Round of Investment Funding
REVIEW: Liberio eBook Publication Platform
Whenever a new tool comes along that makes it even easier for indie authors to share their content with a broader audience, it's exciting. So after seeing a post by TechCrunch on a new ebook creation platform that doesn't cost the user any money, uploads seamlessly from his Google Drive account, and can be tailored right there on the screen in front of him, I had to try it … [Read more...] about REVIEW: Liberio eBook Publication Platform