Samsung has already promised to make the latest Android 4.0 ICS available on the Galaxy Tab 8.9, though not before 2012. Also, no one knows for sure when in 2012 that is going to happen, though that is surely not to the liking of a few enterprising XDA members who decided to take matters onto their own hands and get things done themselves. No point in guessing what comes out … [Read more...] about Android ICS for Galaxy Tab 8.9
google android
Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Tablet Running Android ICS Shown
The Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Liquid mobile development platform won't be shipping until spring, though in a surprise development, an early developer prototype based on the latest S4 chip has come to the fore running Android 4.0 ICS. Qualcomm has also announced they are working on bringing Android ICS to many of its early generation Snapdragon processors. Google had recently … [Read more...] about Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Tablet Running Android ICS Shown
Google Catalogs now on Android tablets
Google Catalogs has now finally made it to tablets running its own Android OS, several months after it having already made it to the iPad. So while iPad users had the opportunity to shuffle through the plethora of offerings that the various retailers are doling out from August this year, their Android tablet counterparts can now also do the same as well. Also the good thing is, … [Read more...] about Google Catalogs now on Android tablets
Android developers more prone to Piracy then Apple ones
A recent study by Skyhook and research firm Yankee Group has put fourth new information on piracy and mobile operating systems. According to the latest intelligence Apple users traditionally download six times more paid apps then Android ones. The study also pointed out that in the USA apple users are downloading around 40 apps a year. One very telling bit of information was … [Read more...] about Android developers more prone to Piracy then Apple ones
HTC Flyer Honeycomb 3.2 Screenshots Leaked
The HTC Flyer is the latest to be inducted into the Honeycomb club that currently boasts of just a few 7 inchers and development is on at full swing. For proof, a leaked build of the Android 3.2 upgrade to be applied on the HTC tablet gave an insight of what the software would do for HTC Flyer owners. The widgets that would be available on the gadget get a light touch effect, … [Read more...] about HTC Flyer Honeycomb 3.2 Screenshots Leaked
Here Comes a TouchPad Running Android Froyo
One reason why so many are out to make the most of the drastically reduced price tag of the TouchPad, in spite of HP getting out of the tablet business, is the likely scenario of running the tablet on Android. Work is on in that direction and there already seems headway has been made. One lucky customer already seems to be in possession of a TouchPad running Android. He had … [Read more...] about Here Comes a TouchPad Running Android Froyo
BlackBerry PlayBook Compatibility with Android App Arriving in Fall
One of the USPs of the BlackBerry PlayBook, before it went on sale, was its compatibility with Android apps. RIM had promised the compatibility would be in place by summer and the PlayBook will be seen playing host to Android apps in all its glory by that time. RIM had even showcased the Android Emulator that would make the PlayBook Android App friendly back in May during RIM's … [Read more...] about BlackBerry PlayBook Compatibility with Android App Arriving in Fall
ASUS Eee Pad Slider 16 GB version seems to be or may not be
The Asus Transformer now seems to have taken the back-seat while it is its Slider sibling also by the same name that is hogging the limelight now. However, while the Slider taking to the front seat is a nice and welcome change to the usual stories about the tablet's launch getting pushed back again and again, what we are getting now is a confusing scenario as regards the tablet … [Read more...] about ASUS Eee Pad Slider 16 GB version seems to be or may not be
Android 3.2 SDK released
We first got the whiff of something called Android 3.2 Honeycomb when Huawei launched its 7 inch MediaPad tablet PC. And now, Google just made the version official while also releasing the SDK as well. The new version of the Honeycomb is aimed at easy scalability to various screen sizes and will ensure apps perform better and to their full potential in smaller tablets with 7 … [Read more...] about Android 3.2 SDK released
Huawei MediaPad is here
If Huawei is to be believed, Android 3.1 Honeycomb is passe and its time to hail the new Android 3.2; and what better way to drive home the point than to launch their best and most advanced tablet so far - the MediaPad to run the latest Android for tablet version. As per Huawei, there is nothing too radical with Android 3.2 except that it has been thoroughly enhanced to render … [Read more...] about Huawei MediaPad is here