How do you recover from the disappointment of posting a drop in total sales for the first half of the year? You simply remind yourself that you’re publishing JK Rowling’s next book this month. Hachette UK, owned by the Lagardere group, had an 8% loss for the first half, despite an increase in ebook sales to make up 8.4% of total sales for the publisher. This is rather small … [Read more...] about Hachette Looks Ahead to Fall after 8% Drop in Sales
JK Rowling
Hai Letto Gli eBook Libri di Harry Potter?
No, GoodeReader isn’t publishing in foreign languages, but luckily for Harry Potter fans, is. The Pottermore Insider blog today announced that the recently published Harry Potter ebooks are now available in French, German, Italian, and Spanish. JK Rowling made an incredibly bold move when she originally retained the digital rights to her Harry Potter series, … [Read more...] about Hai Letto Gli eBook Libri di Harry Potter?
Another Installment in the World of Harry Potter
Don’t get too excited. No, it’s not an eighth Harry Potter book, although true fans of the boy wizard can hold on to hope a little bit longer as Rowling has answered the question as to whether there will ever be another adventure for Harry: “I have always refused to say, 'Never.'” More to the point, while the author feels that the series has come full circle quite nicely and at … [Read more...] about Another Installment in the World of Harry Potter
Harry Potter eBooks Go on Sale Today through Pottermore
The wait is finally over and the speculation can be put to rest. All seven books in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, along with the audio downloads, will be made available today through her world building site, Pottermore. This marks the first time the ebooks are available—legally, that is—to the fans. This was actually Rowling’s original intent when Pottermore was … [Read more...] about Harry Potter eBooks Go on Sale Today through Pottermore
Rowling Sells Digital Rights to Next Book
J.K. Rowling, the genius behind the world of Harry Potter, has been applauded for her foresight in retaining her digital rights to the Harry Potter books. When the series was first sold to her publisher in the early 1990s, e-readers weren’t even on most consumers’ radars, but Rowling thought ahead and saw the benefit in retaining the rights to the digital editions of her now … [Read more...] about Rowling Sells Digital Rights to Next Book Reveals…What?
After years of radio silence for her fans, admittedly while she collaborates on some of the most highly innovative movies to come out of a book series, especially one aimed at middle grade readers, J.K Rowling is unleashing something new. And no one knows what it is. At 8:00am EST, Rowling’s Pottermore website went live, replacing the annoyingly cryptic pink “Coming Soon,” … [Read more...] about Reveals…What?
JK Rowling strongly considering Harry Potter eBooks
JK Rowling, once a staunch activist of being anti-ebooks, is now seeing the light of day as her agent has officially confirmed that JK Rowling is considered digitizing the Harry Potter series into electronic book form. JK Rowling is based out of Edinburgh and has garnered almost £620 million in tangible books and the Harry Potter film franchise. Many people are in agreement … [Read more...] about JK Rowling strongly considering Harry Potter eBooks