Apple Along with Top 5 US Publishers Accused of e-Book Price Collusion

Clearly, its the highest paid lawyers that are more in demand among…

Amazon Buys, Could Lead to Apple-esque Kindle Air

Amazon has recently made some domain purchases, among which is Now…

Amazon Kindle Social Network Service is Alive and Kicking

Amazon has brought to life a new social networking feature that aims…

Refurbished Kindle 3 Prices at Its Lowest Ever

A tried and tested method of enhancing sales or clearing stock is…

New Sony e-reader reaches FCC

Sony has a brand new e-book reader up its sleeve and the…

Big Fish Launches on Kindle

Big Fish Games Studios, creators of the game series Mystery Case Files,…

Amazon Introduces Kindlegraph to Let Authors Sign Their e-Books

As the race between physical books and their digital counterpart e-books continues, the latter…

HP TouchPad now has access to the HP Movie Store

Here is another good reason to opt for the HP TouchPad. For…

Kobo shifting Borders client accounts to its own e-book store

Kobo is already into damage control mode now that Borders bookstore is…

Here is the latest about the elusive Amazon tablet

Its a strange scenario being played out — Amazon is not letting…

Now Watch Videos on Your Kindle with the ‘iPlayer for Kindle’ App

It’s all but human nature to yearn for more. So while Amazon…

CreateSpace Blends Credibility and Experience in Indie Publishing has taken some big steps in the publishing world in 2011…

The Source Now Carries Kindle e-Readers

The second retail store in Canada besides Shop e-Readers now carries the…

Indie Authors Send Their Digital Works to the Troops

Ask any soldier who is stationed in a forward war zone what…