Kobo Books is the third largest e-book and e-reader company in the world and their primary focus is underserved markets. Instead of competing in the ultra-competitive US market they instead developed infrastructure to sell their line of products in bookstores all over Australia, Canada, Europe and the United Kingdom. The company started out as Shortcovers in 2009, which was … [Read more...] about Rakuten Kobo CEO Discusses Tolino, Shelfie and Kobo Plus
michael tamblyn
Watch Kobo CEO Michael Tamblyn talk about e-books
Newly minted Kobo CEO Michael Tamblyn was at the Future Book conference in London earlier this month and gave a provocative keynote address on e-books and the future of digital reading. Considering Kobo provides the closest competition to Amazon on the worldwide stage, this is very compelling. The main element of Tamblyn's discussion is how publishers, analysts, market … [Read more...] about Watch Kobo CEO Michael Tamblyn talk about e-books
Michael Tamblyn is the new CEO of Kobo
Michael Tamblyn was one of the original founders of Kobo and today has been named the new CEO. He takes over from Taka Aiki, who came to the company and took over the reigns when Rakuten purchased the company. Tamblyn has slowly been getting groomed for the top position at Kobo for a number of years. In 2014 he as named the acting President and in 2013 he was named the … [Read more...] about Michael Tamblyn is the new CEO of Kobo
Michael Tamblyn Promoted to President of Kobo
Michael Tamblyn has been the Chief Content Officer of Kobo forever. He is primarily responsible for publisher relationships, sales, industry relations and has spearheaded various initiatives such as the Magazine and Kids Store. Today, Michael has been appointed President and Chief Content Officer of Kobo. Michael have now have an expanded role to play in Kobo's overall … [Read more...] about Michael Tamblyn Promoted to President of Kobo
Kobo Promotes Michael Tamblyn to Chief Content Officer
Michael Tambyln has been working hard at Kobo during the past four years and has just been promoted to Chief Content Officer. He mainly oversees content acquisition and sales, publisher and industry relations, and localized merchandising experiences across all of Kobo’s online and mobile services. You could say that Michael is a workaholic and is a driving force in promoting … [Read more...] about Kobo Promotes Michael Tamblyn to Chief Content Officer
Kobo Talks eBook Pricing and Global Markets at FutureBook 2012
FutureBook 2012, The Bookseller's third annual event, will kick off this morning in London England, with speakers from some of the most innovative and dynamic companies in the publishing industry. The day before the event Good e-Reader sat down with Michael Tamblyn, executive vice president of Content, Sales, and Marketing for Kobo, to talk about where the eBook market is … [Read more...] about Kobo Talks eBook Pricing and Global Markets at FutureBook 2012
Kobo Explains Global Expansion, Looking Forward with Rakuten
Kobo executive Michael Tamblyn was at Digital Book World speaking about the importance of ebook pricing to authors and publishers, as well as participating in a panel discussion on global adoption. He took a few moments to speak with GoodEReader about some issues facing the company as a whole. The following video interview gives Tamblyn an opportunity to focus on some major … [Read more...] about Kobo Explains Global Expansion, Looking Forward with Rakuten