Overdrive is working on a developer solution for e-reader and tablet companies that want to incorporate digital library lending into their devices. The company is working on a full suite of API solutions for companies to augment the library borrowing experience and even make new apps. The OverDrive Developer Portal will serve as the online gateway for approved developers to … [Read more...] about Overdrive Launching Developer Portal in July
Overdrive Updates Their iOS and Android Apps
The Overdrive Media Console has just received a major update to its line of iOS and Android apps. If you love getting ebooks from your local library, this is an app you would want to install on your tablet or smartphone. The Android version of the updated app features dynamic home-screen widgets that let users play audiobooks right from the home screen or resume reading … [Read more...] about Overdrive Updates Their iOS and Android Apps
Overdrive introduces new International Language Package
Overdrive is the leading company that facilitates the digital eBook lending process from your public libraries. The company today announced their new Foreign Language Packages that will allow your library to have options to get eBooks in different languages. The new Language Package, containing Overdrives top titles in Spanish, Russian, and Chinese. The new collection takes … [Read more...] about Overdrive introduces new International Language Package
OverDrive Media Console for Windows Receives Major Update
Overdrive has released a new version of its Media Console for Windows today! This is a great program for your Windows Tablet or PC to checkout and listen to audiobooks, music, and video. Most libraries participating in digital lending of books via Overdrive normally have audiobooks and other content, too. The new update, entitled OMC v3.2.2, allows users to return MP3 … [Read more...] about OverDrive Media Console for Windows Receives Major Update
Harry Potter eBooks Rise to the Top of Overdrive’s Most Downloaded List
Ever since the Harry Potter ebooks were released last month, they have been some of the most downloaded books in history. Overdrive has reported that all of the Harry Potter books account for 64% of the top Juvenile Fiction eBook and Audiobook titles downloaded in April, occupying 51 of 80 possible positions on OverDrive’s Most Downloaded Books from the library lists for the … [Read more...] about Harry Potter eBooks Rise to the Top of Overdrive’s Most Downloaded List
Overdrive Announces Big Data Report at the London Book Fair
Overdrive has finally released its eagerly anticipated "Big Data" report on digital library usage and metrics. The company intends to regularly release statistics on over 19,000 libraries that reach 219 different countries. In March 2012, five million visitors viewed 146 million pages in 12.6 million visits to the Overdrive website. The average ebook catalogs hosted more … [Read more...] about Overdrive Announces Big Data Report at the London Book Fair
Softlink Launches iOS and Android Apps for Australian Libraries
Softlink and Overdrive are official partners in Australia to facilitate the content delivery systems found in libraries. Since most users are buying tablet computers and smartphones, Softlink has just released new apps for iOS and Android that give you enhanced library information. The Library Link mobile application is now available for borrowers to view and renew library … [Read more...] about Softlink Launches iOS and Android Apps for Australian Libraries
Overdrive to Provide Metric Data on Library eBook Lending at the London Book Fair
Overdrive intends on releasing a massive amount of metrics based on all of the schools and libraries that use their service for the facilitation of ebook and audiobook lending. Data from OverDrive’s global library network will be made available to participating libraries and publishers, and includes information about eBook and digital audiobook title circulation, book demand, … [Read more...] about Overdrive to Provide Metric Data on Library eBook Lending at the London Book Fair
Softlink Extends Overdrive License for Corporate and Academic Libraries
Overdrive is the leading company that facilitates the process of borrowing digital content from your local library. Last year, the company signed an agreement with Softlink to bring ebooks and audiobooks to libraries and schools all over Australia. Today Softlink signed a new distribution agreement with Overdrive that allows corporate and academic libraries to enjoy full access … [Read more...] about Softlink Extends Overdrive License for Corporate and Academic Libraries
Libranda, OverDrive Take On eBook Library Lending in Spain
One of the polarizing issues in the U.S. ebook market right now is the conflict over public library access to ebook titles for lending, but we may be able to take a lesson from Libranda’s new partnership with OverDrive to afford access to new and bestselling ebook titles to library patrons in Spain. While it will be some time before the model can be declared a success or a … [Read more...] about Libranda, OverDrive Take On eBook Library Lending in Spain