Amazon discontinues Venmo as a payment option

In a recent announcement, Venmo, the popular mobile payment service owned by…

You can now pay for audiobooks and e-books from iBooks via Paypal

Apple has just made purchasing digital content from iBooks a little bit…

Snapchat Joins Mobile Payment Game with Snapcash

I am pretty sure that Snapchat’s new payment option, Snapcash, is either…

Paypal to Become Separate Entity in 2015

In 2002 PayPal became a wholly owned subsidiary of eBay and has been…

PayPal Updates Include Loyalty Cards, Faster Login

In the land of virtual wallets, PayPal is arguably the best known…

PayPal App Released For Android Wear

Wearables are among the hottest topics at this year’s Google I/O conference,…

PayPal Backs Down from eBook Ban

After a firestorm of angry protests and a grassroots petition campaign, PayPal…

Authors Strike Back Against PayPal’s Censorship of Smashwords

Smashwords, the popular online ebook distribution platform that recently celebrated the uploading…

Kobo Opens up PAYPAL as a Payment Option Online

A few days ago Kobo ushered in a new way to do…

The Ever-Changing Future of Digital Books

E-books and e-readers arrived on the scene with Project Gutenberg in the…