Apple could be working on a new iPad Mini version that will have a display with a higher refresh rate. In effect, the upcoming iPad Mini 6 version will feature ProMotion technology, something that is exclusive to Apple's Pro range of devices. That includes the iPad Pro or the more recent MacBook Pro 14 and MacBook Pro 16. Going by that trend, the upcoming iPad Mini 6 version … [Read more...] about Apple iPad Mini 6 Pro with ProMotion display likely to launch soon
Is Accurate Book Discovery Really Possible?
One of the major plagues for authors and publishers--from the lone self-published writer to the Big Five--is book discovery. Short of taking out expensive ads and sending literally thousands of copies to advanced readers, there's no surefire guarantee that a book will land in front of paying customers, and that's something even the big guys can't do for every title they … [Read more...] about Is Accurate Book Discovery Really Possible?
Clock Is Ticking on Goodreads Choice Awards
There are a number of prestigious book awards--and that number is exponentially dwarfed by the number of "fly by night" book awards that earn a profit off of the entry fees--that can do amazing things for increasing an author's credibility and a specific title's sales figures. The inherent promotion of the contest itself can increase a book's visibility, while the resulting … [Read more...] about Clock Is Ticking on Goodreads Choice Awards
Hosting an Author Giveaway – Part II
In yesterday's post on Amazon's new giveaway tool, there were some initial steps for ensuring the platform works for you as best it can. Here are some follow up steps to take to make sure you're getting the most from your efforts. 3. Speaking of Winners (and the losers, for that matter) - Make sure you're taking full advantage of the winner and loser messages on your … [Read more...] about Hosting an Author Giveaway – Part II
Tips for Authors Hosting an Amazon Giveaway – Part I
Amazon's new giveaway tool was only launched this week but it has already received more than its fair share of criticism. Complaints about favoriting Twitter followers and automatically receiving notifications every time those people tweet are valid; it didn't have to work that way. But the demands from consumers for a centralized location of all the giveaways so they can just … [Read more...] about Tips for Authors Hosting an Amazon Giveaway – Part I
Startup BiblioStar Aims to Promote Authors Via Video
It’s an understood truth in the publishing industry that every author—indie or traditionally published—is going to have to take on at least some responsibility for his own book promotion. While bigger names from some of the bigger publishers often get some help in the PR department, authors generally have a lot of work to do in order to get their books in front of … [Read more...] about Startup BiblioStar Aims to Promote Authors Via Video
G-Slate price less by $100 if you ask for it
Here is something of a believe-it-or-not sort of thing though in today's fast paced world where something as basic as survival is at stake at all times, it shouldn't be much of a surprise. T-Mobile is willing to slash $100 off the price of the G-Slate tablet. The only requirement - you got to ask for it. The thing goes like this: T-Mobile, the official carrier of the LG … [Read more...] about G-Slate price less by $100 if you ask for it