Public libraries in the United States, who have a audiobook and ebook collection, have to deal with all of the big five publishers. Each publisher has different terms and conditions, as well as pricing. This can create headaches for collection managers. Some books can 1200% more than what people pay on Amazon for the same title, while others expire after a certain number of … [Read more...] about Big 5 Publishers Digital Lending and Purchase Models for Public Libraries
public library
The best e-readers to borrow ebooks from the library
In Canada and the United States the vast majority of public libraries have an ebook collection. Overdrive stated that they power 95% of all libraries and there are a number of smaller companies that are involved in this field as well, such as Hoopla and Bibliotheca. There are a number of e-readers that have functionality to deliver ebooks right from the library and read them … [Read more...] about The best e-readers to borrow ebooks from the library
Millennials May Be the Salvation of Libraries
While previous studies have shown the majority of Americans cite libraries as a vital public resource in their communities, those same studies cited an alarming fact: Americans simply don't use their libraries. Fortunately, their luck is about to change. New survey results from the Pew Research Center have found that millenials are stepping up in a big way and taking advantage … [Read more...] about Millennials May Be the Salvation of Libraries
Digital Public Library of America to Pilot eBook Lending in Fall
It's taken nearly four years, but the time has finally come for the Digital Public Library of America--a nonprofit, grassroots organization aimed at better access to ebooks for all readers--to launch its pilot program. Planned for this fall, DPLA will be lending ebooks in what it hopes is a streamlined, non-proprietary and vendorless platform. While ebook lending has grown … [Read more...] about Digital Public Library of America to Pilot eBook Lending in Fall
Library, ALA Under Fire for Inappropriate Computer User
As libraries continue to evolve in order to keep up with the needs of their patrons, library boards and systems are urged to adapt to the changing technological landscape. The death of libraries has already begun, according to many industry watchers, and issues like limited budgets, brief hours of operations, and lack of ebook and digital media integration are often cited as … [Read more...] about Library, ALA Under Fire for Inappropriate Computer User
Libraries Fight Back Against Planned Closings
With libraries around the world coming under almost as much threat of demise as brick-and-mortar bookstores, one UK library system is taking legal action to fight back against proposed budget cuts in their county that will mean the planned closing of a number of local public libraries. According to an article in The Bookseller, the library system in Lincolnshire has mounted … [Read more...] about Libraries Fight Back Against Planned Closings
Libraries, Gale Partner for Online Accredited High School Diploma Program
According to data gathered by Cengage Learning, one US student drops out of high school every 26 seconds. The end result is is more than one million Americans every year leaving school without a diploma. While sociologists have studied the effects on society of having a significant portion of the population unqualified and incapable of securing employment, companies like … [Read more...] about Libraries, Gale Partner for Online Accredited High School Diploma Program
UK Libraries to Run on Volunteer Support
In an article for The Bookseller, Joshua Farrington reported on a recent gathering of library decision makers over the amount of volunteer and community support for public libraries in the UK. This meeting, coming on the heels of the news that around 200 libraries closed last year, was to discuss the research and campaigning for more library support. While the discussions … [Read more...] about UK Libraries to Run on Volunteer Support
Ebooks Still Viewed Differently Than Print
A survey on the perceptions of patron ebook checkout by librarians, most of who served in academic libraries, has shed some light on the check-out processes of patrons who borrow digital content from their libraries. The new report was instituted by ebrary and had some interesting results. The first newsworthy item involved the borrowing habits themselves. For example, while … [Read more...] about Ebooks Still Viewed Differently Than Print
Google and Bloomsbury’s Public Library Online
Public libraries and the ebook content they provide have made news earlier this week with the discovery that not all U.S.-based public libraries are allowed to purchase the same digital titles for their patrons while using OverDrive’s catalogs of materials. But a step in the right direction toward equal access to content for public library patrons has been made in the UK … [Read more...] about Google and Bloomsbury’s Public Library Online