Digital Book World posted a comprehensive peek at Aptara’s and Publisher’s Weekly’s April survey on how ebooks are faring in the publishing market, and the results came as no surprise to anyone who thinks digital reading is here to stay. Almost 900 publishers from publishing houses of every size range responded. Some of the surprises in the study, though, included most of … [Read more...] about Breakdown of Aptara’s Ebook Publishing Study
publishers weekly
File Scanning Service 1DollarScan Causes Fear of Piracy
On the surface, the concept behind San Jose-based file scanning company 1DollarScan is both simple and practical. Send a piece of print material to the company, and upon signing the user agreement and making payment, the company will send back a PDF of the material sent. This is an ideal service for companies with large volumes of documents that need to be stored, newspapers or … [Read more...] about File Scanning Service 1DollarScan Causes Fear of Piracy
DRM, Compatibility, and Myth
To the average reader who owns a brand-specific device and only shops for books through the device’s parent company, concerns about things like cross-platform compatibility and DRM status might not really be on the radar. And for a large portion of the reading population, that may be the case; browse for a book on your favorite retailer’s site, click the Buy button, and wait … [Read more...] about DRM, Compatibility, and Myth
More Publishers Experiment with eBook-Only, eBook-First
An original piece in Publisher’s Weekly revealed that more and more traditional publishers are trying out the ever-growing publishing tactic of digital only books, or at least digital first. Over a year ago, traditional publishers like Harlequin made headlines and raised eyebrows by announcing the formation of imprints within their publishing houses that were dedicated to … [Read more...] about More Publishers Experiment with eBook-Only, eBook-First
Publisher’s Weekly, Vook Offer Indie Authors A Select Plan
Publishers Weekly, the definitive magazine to the industry as a whole that dates back to early roots in the late 1800s, is reaching out to self-published authors with an opportunity to showcase their indie books in quarterly issues of PW. This program, referred to as PW Select, is a fee-based option to give indie authors a much needed source of recognition and marketing for … [Read more...] about Publisher’s Weekly, Vook Offer Indie Authors A Select Plan
Something Bigger Than Enhanced eBooks?
With so many tablets on the market and new improvements being added with every new launch (think “retina screen”), it’s no wonder that many in digital publishing are scrambling to develop the mind-blowing content to take full advantage of the newly available technology. iStoryTime, award-winning creators of children’s enhanced ebook apps, has already announced its latest … [Read more...] about Something Bigger Than Enhanced eBooks?
Copia Partners with Australian Firm to Expand Indie Retailers’ eBook Business
One of the unintentional casualties in the shift to digital reading and online retailing has been the smaller independent bookstores. Although several initiatives like affiliates programs through Amazon and Google have sprung up to boost revenue for the indie bookstores, these locally owned shops, once the hub of literature and culture for their towns, are disappearing at an … [Read more...] about Copia Partners with Australian Firm to Expand Indie Retailers’ eBook Business
Reaching Out to Print Readers with Simultaneous Digital
Although the publishing industry is several years into the digital divide, a true relationship between print books and digital editions is only beginning to flourish. Independent booksellers have been at the forefront of the attempts to bridge the gap between paper versus pixel, with initiatives like in-store ebook tutorials for customers, while some publishers like Algonquin … [Read more...] about Reaching Out to Print Readers with Simultaneous Digital
Publishers Weigh In On The Future of Ebooks
Publisher’s Weekly posted an article on its blog that allowed various publishing industry professionals from a variety of outlets to expand on the generally accepted prediction that ebooks will make up 50% of total trade book sales within five years. Each of the executives spoke to how the shift to digital reading is having an impact not only on the publishing business, but … [Read more...] about Publishers Weigh In On The Future of Ebooks
Writing Competitions Provide Valuable Feedback
Writing contests are an invaluable way for independent authors to get their work in front of judges, peer reviewers, and industry professionals, while offering them the opportunity to attach some prestigious accolades to their work. Contests may range from a full-length manuscript submission, down to a light-hearted attempt to summarize your work in 140-characters or less for … [Read more...] about Writing Competitions Provide Valuable Feedback