Draft2Digital Authors Can Distribute e-Books into the Tolino Bookstore Draft2Digital has announced that self-publishers who use their service have a new…Michael Kozlowski27 January 2015One comment1 minute read
Breaking – Kobo to Take Over Blinkbox Books Business Tesco and Kobo have come to terms on the Blinkbox Books business…Michael Kozlowski27 January 2015One comment1 minute read
Top 10 Anime You Need to Watch Right Now – 2015 Some people are really new to anime or have taken a break…Michael Kozlowski27 January 2015112 comments5 minute read
MakerBot Mobile Brings 3D Printing to Android It hasn’t been that long since the concept of 3D printing seemed…27 January 2015No comments2 minute read
Microsoft Sees 1.1B in Revenue from Surface Tablet Microsoft should be celebrating right now with news that their Surface tablet…27 January 2015No comments1 minute read
SelfPublishing Info Sessions for Indie Authors In some ways, the current state of digital publishing is even more…Mercy Pilkington27 January 2015One comment2 minute read
Blinkbox Books to Close in February Tesco has announced their intentions to close their digital e-Book platform at…Michael Kozlowski26 January 2015One comment1 minute read
Digital Content Connects Business Travelers The publishing industry has extolled the virtues of digital publishing–less waste, lower…Mercy Pilkington26 January 20152 comments2 minute read
iPhone 5 vs iPhone 6 Plus – Reading Many people skip a generation before buying the latest and greatest Apple…Michael Kozlowski26 January 2015No comments1 minute read
Is the iPhone 6 Plus Good for e-Reading? The iPhone 6 Plus is the first large screen phone that Apple…Michael Kozlowski26 January 20154 comments3 minute read
Self-Publishing the Family Cookbook When the digital revolution kicked off, it sparked a wave–for better or…Mercy Pilkington26 January 20153 comments2 minute read
New Initiative Puts India Closer to Broader Digital Adoption One of the early adoption markets for tablet use, K12 digital textbooks,…Mercy Pilkington24 January 2015One comment2 minute read
Secret Wars Gives Large-Scale Reboot to the Marvel Universe Announcements made at this year’s Secret Wars comic event brought an official…24 January 2015One comment2 minute read