Copia first launched in 2010 and geared its core business towards online social communities and selling ebooks. The company currently offers around 9.2 million free and paid books, newspapers, and magazines. Business is good, but Copia is now branching away from selling fiction and non-fiction books and gravitating towards the educational sector. We spoke with Ben Lowinger, … [Read more...] about Copia Gravitates towards the Education Market
Game of Books’ Creator Aaron Stanton on the Game of Reading
Last week, GoodeReader covered the Kickstarter campaign that successfully secured funding for a concept that Aaron Stanton visualized, one that makes reading a book more than just a self-congratulatory experience. By allowing users to earn badges for completing "journeys" based on book genres and then in turn sharing their newfound status via social media, Stanton seeks to make … [Read more...] about Game of Books’ Creator Aaron Stanton on the Game of Reading
Color e-Ink to Build Momentum in 2013
Mainstream e-readers from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Sony, and Kobo have all tended to rely on e-Ink technology. This gives you the ability to read in direct sunlight, without having the typical glare you would get 0n a television, laptop, or tablet screen. There have been a few iterations of e-ink technology, but not much has changed in the last four years with the advent of … [Read more...] about Color e-Ink to Build Momentum in 2013
Pottermore CEO Explains the DRM-Free Decision
Charlie Redmayne spoke on two panels today in London at the FutureBook conference, the third annual conference put on by The Bookseller. Aside from the morning presentation in which he spoke on the importance of establishing a global brand for an author or a book series, Redmayne spoke quite vehemently in the later panel about how the practice of DRM-free ebooks can be better … [Read more...] about Pottermore CEO Explains the DRM-Free Decision
Readmill’s CEO Henrik Berggren at FutureBook
Over the course of the past several years, social reading platforms have sprung up almost as fast as digital ebook distribution platforms. While each platform has its standard features, newcomer Readmill offers an unique insight into what the possibilities for social reading are. With so much focus this year at FutureBook on the emerging ebook markets in foreign locations, … [Read more...] about Readmill’s CEO Henrik Berggren at FutureBook
Building a Community with Digital Manga: An Interview with Viz’s Alvin Lu and Gagan Singh
Today, Viz Media announced that its digital manga magazine Shonen Jump Alpha will publish manga chapters simultaneously with its Japanese counterpart, Shonen Jump. This means that North American fans of Naruto, Bleach, and other high-profile properties will be able to read the newest chapters digitally at the same time their counterparts in Tokyo and Osaka are picking up the … [Read more...] about Building a Community with Digital Manga: An Interview with Viz’s Alvin Lu and Gagan Singh
Dark Horse Launches New Android App
After almost a year of beta testing, the comics publisher Dark Horse launched its Android app this week, bringing Star Wars, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Hellboy comics to a new platform. Dark Horse is the only major non-manga comics publisher to set up its own digital comics service rather than signing on with ComiXology or Comics Plus, the most popular digital comics … [Read more...] about Dark Horse Launches New Android App
Feature: Authorgraph Allows Authors to Digitally Sign eBooks
Evan Jacobs started Kindlegraph in early 2011 with a unique system that connected authors with their fans to digitally autograph ebooks. Over 5,000 authors have listed more than 20,000 books to be made available on the platform. In a bid to provide a wider appeal, the company has been renamed "Authorgraph" and authors can now sign digital books on any platform. In the past, … [Read more...] about Feature: Authorgraph Allows Authors to Digitally Sign eBooks
Barnes and Noble Weighs in On the DoJ Lawsuit, Predicting an Apple Victory
Last week, GoodeReader posed a rhetorical question, essentially asking why so many individuals and organizations have voiced their opinions in favor of Apple and several publishers who have been accused of colluding on ebook prices in order to drive consumer traffic away from Amazon. While there is no doubt that some parties may just see a way to bring the online retailer down … [Read more...] about Barnes and Noble Weighs in On the DoJ Lawsuit, Predicting an Apple Victory
Interview with Levar Burton on the Reading Rainbow iPad App
The Reading Rainbow television show was broadcast for almost two decades and it taught young children the value in reading. When the show was cancelled a few years ago, Levar Burton and producer Mark Wolfe sat down and decided what to do next. Today we spoke with Levar Burton, who is well known for hosting the Reading Rainbow television show for over a decade and famously … [Read more...] about Interview with Levar Burton on the Reading Rainbow iPad App