Now that the book, the prequel, and the movie have all been released and zombie fans everywhere have gotten a taste for brains...well,'s time to meet the author himself. The creative genius behind Warm Bodies, the delightful reimagining of Romeo & Juliet undead-style, Isaac Marion, will be joining GoodEReader for a live Spreecast on Thursday, February 7th, at … [Read more...] about Good e-Reader Interactive Hosts Warm Bodies Author Isaac Marion via Spreecast
President of ALA Maureen Sullivan Talks about the Shift to Digital
In the last few years, the transition to digital ebooks in libraries has been accelerating. Many companies such as 3M, Overdrive, Baker & Taylor, and Recorded Books have all come of age and offer complete solutions for libraries offering electronic books. The American Library Association President, Maureen Sullivan, spoke to Good e-Reader about some of the issues facing … [Read more...] about President of ALA Maureen Sullivan Talks about the Shift to Digital
Digital Comics Retailing: Could This Be Done Better?
Comics retailer Brian Hibbs, owner of Comix Experience in San Francisco, was one of the first retailers to adopt Diamond Digital's digital storefront, and he reports that after three quarters, his total take is $22. What's wrong with this picture? Hibbs is well known in the comics community, and he was linking straight to his digital comics store from reviews on the Savage … [Read more...] about Digital Comics Retailing: Could This Be Done Better?
Barnes and Noble VP Jim Hilt on Tablets, e-Readers, and Discoverability
Jim Hilt, Barnes and Noble's Vice President of ebooks, gave a presentation at Digital Book World today that explored some interesting data on how readers—either tablet or dedicated device users—browse and discover new books. With the advent of online book shopping, whether consumers choose to buy print or digital editions, the standard genres and categories that book publishers … [Read more...] about Barnes and Noble VP Jim Hilt on Tablets, e-Readers, and Discoverability
OverDrive CEO Steve Potash on Where ePub Is Taking Publishing
This year's Digital Book World conference has been filled with industry attention on a number of topics. Children's content has received a lot of the focus, as has the current wider adoption of the ePub3 standard. New terms have even been coined, with the recognition of the "hybrid" author as a driving force in the publishing industry. One of the areas that hasn't received … [Read more...] about OverDrive CEO Steve Potash on Where ePub Is Taking Publishing
Children’s Digital Content a Major Focus at DBW 2013
Some of the major focus of this year's Digital Book World conference has surrounded children's content in digital publishing. Once relegated to cute video game-like app books, children's publishers are now at the forefront of attention. Several fully attended pre-event presentations and event panels were scheduled throughout the conference, including one in which … [Read more...] about Children’s Digital Content a Major Focus at DBW 2013
Sourcebooks Dominique Raccah Speaks on Driving Innovation
Digital Book World's annual conference brings together a wide variety of experts across so many specialties in digital publishing to give insight into what makes the industry work. Once again, Sourcebooks' CEO and publisher Dominique Raccah was an invited guest to speak on driving innovation in publishing and agile publishing. One of the ways that Sourcebooks has proven … [Read more...] about Sourcebooks Dominique Raccah Speaks on Driving Innovation
Long-Form Journalism Platform Atavist Branches Out with Documentaries, Fiction
At last year's Digital Book World conference, GoodeReader caught up with Atavist to talk about the rise in popularity of long-form journalism, digital short stories, and serialized ebook novellas. Rather than a sign that the attention span of the average reader is waning, as some critics will argue, long-form journalism is actually the opposite; it allows readers who would have … [Read more...] about Long-Form Journalism Platform Atavist Branches Out with Documentaries, Fiction
MPS Digital Platform Will Address a Need in Publishing
GoodeReader met with Rose Rummel-Eury, the Director of North American Sales for MPS, at this year's Digital Book World conference. Like so many other digital publishing platforms, MPS provides digital solutions for publishers and companies with content to distribute electronically. But thanks to a cause that matters deeply to Rummel-Eury, MPS is already addressing a need that … [Read more...] about MPS Digital Platform Will Address a Need in Publishing
Vook Earns Two Innovation Awards at This Year’s Digital Book World
Wedged in between panels on globalization, the ePub3 standard, and the importance of producing and marketing dynamic interactive children's content, Digital Book World also presented a number of awards yesterday to top companies in digital publishing who have created something extraordinary in their fields. GoodeReader sat down with Matthew Cavnar from Vook, the the digital … [Read more...] about Vook Earns Two Innovation Awards at This Year’s Digital Book World