Today we give you a comprehensive review on the newest e-reader from bookstore giant Barnes and Noble. The Simple Touch Reader, or the Nook 2, is the first touchscreen e-ink reader the company has released. We first saw this new gadget when we were at Book Expo in New York and got a spontaneous invite to the big unveil at Union Square. We were one of the first sites to give you … [Read more...] about Barnes and Noble Simple Touch Reader Review
barnes and noble nook
Unboxing the Barnes and Noble Nook – A Simple Touch Reader
Welcome to a exclusive Good e-Reader Video Review! Today we take a look at the new Barnes and Noble Nook 2 - A Simple Touch Reader. This is the brand new six inch touchscreen e-ink e-reader from book giant Barnes and Noble. The Barnes and Noble Nook 2 is being billed as the simplest e-reader ever created! It features a full touchscreen 6 inch PEARL display with a … [Read more...] about Unboxing the Barnes and Noble Nook – A Simple Touch Reader
Barnes and Noble Nook Color Now Limiting User Loaded eBooks
Those who have been looking to buy the Nook Color as a cheap Android tablet should be prepared for a pleasant shock. This since Barnes & Noble has quietly imposed a restriction on the usage of the Nook's 5 GB memory so that it's now just 1 GB that can be used to side-load content while the rest is to be used for loading the books and other apps purchased from the Nook … [Read more...] about Barnes and Noble Nook Color Now Limiting User Loaded eBooks
New Barnes and Noble e-Reader May 24th
During a big investors and conference today Barnes and Noble told the assembled audience that they will be officially announcing a new e-reader May 24th. Barnes and Noble has seen critical market success with its Nook 3G, Nook WIFI, and the new Nook Color e-reader the last 2 years. The Nook Color continues to be the color e-Reader to beat in the tablet world and recently the … [Read more...] about New Barnes and Noble e-Reader May 24th
Barnes and Noble Nook Color Firmware Update 1.1 released
People have been waiting on the new firmware update for Barnes and Noble first Android color tablet e-reader! The update is out and available to download now and offers some sweet upgrades and performance enhancements. The new update to the Barnes and Noble Nook Color negates any rooting you might have done on your device, so make sure you bear that in mind before you … [Read more...] about Barnes and Noble Nook Color Firmware Update 1.1 released
Barnes and Noble Nook 3G is discontinued
The Barnes and Noble Nook line of e-readers has been a runaway success for Barnes and Noble, today they claimed that over 650,000 newspapers and magazines have been sold via the Nook Color. We have reports today that Barnes and Noble is ceasing to manufacture the Nook 3G variant due to lackluster demand. The Barnes and Noble Nook 3G was the first e-reader that the bookstore … [Read more...] about Barnes and Noble Nook 3G is discontinued
Barnes and Noble sells 650,000 Magazines and Newspapers in 2 Months
The Barnes and Noble Nook line of electronic readers has certainly saved USA retail giant Barnes and Noble bookstore chain from certain doom, when last year things looked grim. E-Reader and eBook sales has been the saving grace of the company and it looks like figures released for the last 2 months in NOOKnewstand sales is over half a million with 650,0000 newspapers and … [Read more...] about Barnes and Noble sells 650,000 Magazines and Newspapers in 2 Months
Nook Color hack allows longer battery life and increased processor speed
The hacks for the Barnes and Noble Nook Color keep on piling on, first we could root the device to get Android on and then install applications such as Angry Birds. Now we have a way to make the processor run faster from the default 800 MHZ to 950 MHZ without increasing the voltage. The new hack even though it overclocks the Nook Colors built in processor, actually lowers … [Read more...] about Nook Color hack allows longer battery life and increased processor speed
Barnes and Noble Nook Color to get Android 2.2 Upgrade in January 2011
Digitimes is reporting that Barnes and Noble will be upgrading their Android operating system found on the Nook Color to Android 2.2 in January of 2011. This will give more functionality to the Nook Color, although it will not have access to the Android Market. The absence of the Google Android Market is intentional on the part of Barnes and Noble, whom outsources the … [Read more...] about Barnes and Noble Nook Color to get Android 2.2 Upgrade in January 2011
Barnes and Noble Color e-Reader Unboxing Video
Welcome to another Good e-Reader video! In this video we unbox the brand new Barnes and Noble Nook Color Android 2.0 Color e-Reader! Check out the latest offering from the company that brought you the Nook 3G and the Nook WIFI e-Ink e-reader! In this video we show you what comes with the unit, as well as instructions on how to properly use your USB Cable! We show you also … [Read more...] about Barnes and Noble Color e-Reader Unboxing Video