Aspiring booksellers and indie authors might have a new alternative when they are planning their next vacation. The Open Book in Wigtown Scotland is offering an Airbnb stay for the cost of £150 a week. You can sell books during the day and customize the bookstore to your liking and sleep above the location in a small flat. If you decide this might be for you the Airbnd … [Read more...] about Do you Want to take a Vacation and Sell Books?
When Will Publishers Learn? Direct to Consumer Doesn’t Work
We're going to go out on a limb here and make a sweeping prediction, one that hopefully will be ridiculed in fifty years: consumers do not buy books directly from the publisher. Why not? Because in most cases, they don't know who the publisher is. In even more dire news for publishers, consumers also don't care who the publisher is. That truth hasn't stopped Penguin Random … [Read more...] about When Will Publishers Learn? Direct to Consumer Doesn’t Work
HarperCollins, Amazon Reach Agreement
In an announcement that is certain to bring a sigh of relief to authors and readers, HarperCollins announced yesterday that it has reached a multi-year agreement with Amazon over its recent pricing dispute. While HarperCollins, like several other publishers before it, has been gunning for an agency pricing model in which the publisher sets the price of its books and basically … [Read more...] about HarperCollins, Amazon Reach Agreement
Latest Bestselling Trend Is Coloring Books…for Adults
There is no disputing the fact that the publishing industry looks nothing like it did even ten years ago, let alone a hundred years ago. As a result of these swift and all-encompassing changes, bookselling has changed dramatically, too. One of the first major shifts was in the large numbers of adult readers who were voraciously consuming young adult literature, largely because … [Read more...] about Latest Bestselling Trend Is Coloring Books…for Adults
Goodreads Unveils Newly Redesigned Android App
Book discovery is crucial to not only the business side of selling books, but also in establishing a dedicated reader base of long-term fans. The more tools at readers' disposal for finding great books, the more likely they are to take a risk on an author they've never read before. That's why Goodreads, the online community based on reader-centric book interaction, has … [Read more...] about Goodreads Unveils Newly Redesigned Android App
Clean Reader Controversy: Censorship, or Right to Read?
"Substitute 'damn' every time you're inclined to write 'very;' your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be.” --Mark Twain One of the recent controversies in publishing involves the creation of an app called Clean Reader that has authors of every level crying censorship. Built by two parents who claim their daughter was upset by the amount and … [Read more...] about Clean Reader Controversy: Censorship, or Right to Read?
Some of the Most Prolific Authors Had Day Jobs
Some of the most prolific authors sometimes had to work a day job to get their start or to maintain their sanity. Authors have found that being cooped up in your home all day writing can make you lose prospective and sometimes that greatest ideas stem from the doldrums of a menial job. … [Read more...] about Some of the Most Prolific Authors Had Day Jobs
Are eBooks Destroying Bookselling Culture?
The global bookselling industry has been experiencing many trials and tribulations over the last decade. Indigo books in Canada has been losing 20 million each quarter for the last year, Borders Books in the US went bankrupt and everyone else is feeling the pinch of Amazon. Are eBooks destroying our bookselling culture. The Canadian bookselling industry is dominated by … [Read more...] about Are eBooks Destroying Bookselling Culture?
Amazon’s Latest Tool a Great Benefit to Indie Authors
There are reports that Amazon has a Square reader-like device in the works, one that will plug into a smartphone or tablet (presumably not only the Fire phone or Kindle Fire) and allow small business people to take advantage of the reliance on credit cards that many consumers have. Just like other devices by Square and PayPal, this device--whenever it launches, although some … [Read more...] about Amazon’s Latest Tool a Great Benefit to Indie Authors
Iconic Bookstore’s Owner Retires, Gifts Store to Employees
A Canadian bookstore owner is set to retire soon, which would ordinarily not make news headlines. Even with the recent news of a local citizen in the US who launched a Kickstarter campaign to purchase her town's independent bookstore from its retiring owners, a bookstore closing due to the age and employment status of its proprietor isn't attention grabbing. But in the case … [Read more...] about Iconic Bookstore’s Owner Retires, Gifts Store to Employees