Scholastic is arguably the go-to source of information on the children's publishing industry, and it's not just because they've had some out-of-the-park smash hits (ever hear of Harry Potter? The Hunger Games?). Scholastic also runs a thriving education division and as such it makes it the company's business to know what kids want to read, how they interact with books, and what … [Read more...] about New Scholastic Report Sheds Light on Kids’ Reading
children's publishing
OverDrive Offers Digital Kids’ Reading Rooms to Partner Libraries
Throughout the recent controversy over inappropriate and explicit content being listed in ebook retail websites alongside children's and middle grade titles, the same questions kept coming to the surface: how did this happen, and how do we prevent it? Unfortunately for the authors and publishers of much of the questionable content, the immediate solution was to block nearly all … [Read more...] about OverDrive Offers Digital Kids’ Reading Rooms to Partner Libraries
Scholastic Talks Children’s Publishing and Digital Content at Frankfurt Book Fair
One of the great paradoxes of digital publishing and children's content is that children and teens were the demographics who were at one point the least likely to consume digital content. Whether over the original concerns from parents of expensive device damage and enhanced ebooks being likened to video games, or the young adults' own feedback that reading was for paper, … [Read more...] about Scholastic Talks Children’s Publishing and Digital Content at Frankfurt Book Fair
Scholastic’s Storia Digital Reading Platform Wins Parents’ Choice Award
A recent study in the UK that found that children are often less likely to read if given a broad-use device for consuming ebooks was alarming to both parents and educators. Considering the obvious fact that children who don't read will not make significant gains in reading ability, many felt that digital reading was contributing to a lowering of reading comprehension test … [Read more...] about Scholastic’s Storia Digital Reading Platform Wins Parents’ Choice Award
Digital Reading Hinders Children’s Literacy
eReading was supposed to be a benefit that revolutionized reading, stripping away barriers such as access to books and bookstores, high prices of new titles, and the inconvenience of carrying books around. Some of the original critics of e-reading were parents of young readers who worried that device-based access to books would lead to opting for other digital activities … [Read more...] about Digital Reading Hinders Children’s Literacy
Reach Out and Read Earns LOC Prize, Receives One Million Books from Scholastic
At this weekend's National Book Festival, hosted by the Library of Congress, book distribution and reading awareness organization Reach Out and Read was presented with the David M. Rubenstein Prize for the charity's work to combat illiteracy, especially among low-income and underserved demographics of children. In addition the $150,000 prize, Reach Out and Read had a new … [Read more...] about Reach Out and Read Earns LOC Prize, Receives One Million Books from Scholastic
iStoryTime, TapJoy Bring Children’s Content and Value to Parents’ Devices
From its initial days when parents were reluctant to put expensive devices in their kids' hands, the children's digital publishing market has exploded into an industry all its own. Part of the reason for that is there are very special considerations when introducing content to children via a tablet or smartphone. The typical methods of embedding ads or offering in-app purchases … [Read more...] about iStoryTime, TapJoy Bring Children’s Content and Value to Parents’ Devices
Ruckus Media on Wider Emphasis on Children’s Digital Reading
Much of the emphasis at Digital Book World this year has been on children's digital content, with a full day of pre-conference events on the topic, as well as several breakout sessions on this first full event day dedicated to the discussion of the unique nature of digital content for kids. When ereading first emerged as a viable commercial market, a lot of publishers … [Read more...] about Ruckus Media on Wider Emphasis on Children’s Digital Reading
Children’s Digital Publishing Becomes Greater Industry Focus
When ebooks and dedicated e-reading devices first grew in popularity, a sizeable section of the digital reading public felt that children’s books didn’t lend themselves well to ebooks. Aside from the concerns over handing a young reader an expensive device, some likened the reading experience as being too close to other forms of electronic entertainment for children. Others … [Read more...] about Children’s Digital Publishing Becomes Greater Industry Focus
London Book Fair Kicks Off with Panel on Children’s Publishing
One of the initial panels at this year’s London Book Fair was the Penguin, Macmillen, Nosy Crow panel on children’s publishing, but the discussion seemed to raise more questions than it answered. While children’s books have been big business for publishers for a long time, figuring out where children’s ebooks fit into the confines of digital publishing isn’t as straightforward … [Read more...] about London Book Fair Kicks Off with Panel on Children’s Publishing